How bad have you got it???


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Re: How bad have you got it???

Season 2 for me and I am basically trying to buy everything all at once. Little does my wife know. LOL

Last year Josh (vtbowhunter) invited me to hunt with him on his families land. He had everything and all scouting, blinds set up, turkeys located. The full meal deal. I brought my 870 pump and hope and dreams. 2 mornings later I was 2 jakes richers... LOL

This year I am going to get my own stuff.. Or die trying... LOL

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Re: How bad have you got it???

Generally they make me get up at the wee hours of the morning every single day, and that madness will start in a few weeks. By the time the season starts I am already a walking zombie. Then something along the following lines usually occurs everyday...I set up on one ridge with no luck. Then I haul it a half mile or so to another ridge, when at that point a gobbler starts going bizerk on the ridge I just came from. So, I haul the mail back over there...and repeat.

Turkeys have also been known to make me crazy, curse repeatedly, anti-social, and sleep deprived. crazy.gifsmile.gif

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Re: How bad have you got it???

The madness starts end of March scouting and goes to hunting until end of May...Caused the end of my first marriage ! Oh Well..Love the gobblin..

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Re: How bad have you got it???

Prom my junior year just happened to fall on Saturday and Sunday would be my last day to hunt......Now im not gonna miss the last day of turkey season for prom, but I also wanted to go to prom. So I decided I was going to have to load the truck with my turkey hutning equipment and take that to the prom. I picked my date up in the truck and we went to the prom and post prom. I knew if i wanted to make it to my spot by daylight, i needed to leave town by 3am (2 hour drive up north to my spot). So at 2:45 i told my date " i really need to get mom wants me home by 3am grin.gif . So I dropped her off and put the pedal to the metal all the way to my spot. Went in the camper, took off the tux and put the camo on and sprinted to the bottom gate where my uncle was already waiting. Needless to date wasnt too impressed when she found out the REAL reason why I had to leave so early. grin.giflaugh.gif

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Re: How bad have you got it???

Like you Strut, I have many. Heck, everything I do from Jan til Mar is for turks, how bad is that. I guess the most extreme thing I've done can be described by the following story. I'd been hunting these pasture toms for weeks on end. Had some glorious hunts, got to see all the trimmin's. Yet, as most pasture toms do, they tend to strutt way out in the middle where they can be seen from corner to corner. Every call I threw out seemed to draw their interest, as they would strutt, fan, drum (but never gobble) closer and closer to my setup. Sounds good huh? Well, they evidently were surveyors as they never inched any closed than 75 yards to the edges of that pasture. Leatherwood creek ran right across that pasture and it was a good 'un. Not a branch nor a stream but more like a narrow river, so I came to find out. I would've swore it were a creek when I stepped into it, that was until I sunk up to my pod. You see, I'd had enough of teasing. I figured I could ease thru Leatherwood Creek, call, ease my head up just to see if they'd gotten any closer. I did just that. Everytime I poked my head up, they were the same distance away, just easing along. I did the same, hoping for that opportune moment, when we were close enough for an introduction. Well we continued and soon enough I'd had plenty, especially when I poked my head up and saw nothing. I got outa that miniture river and was just a sloshin' my way back to the truck. I had to round a bend and walk a wooden bridge over that same creek to get to the truck and lo and behold, what's sittin' right on the dad gum bridge, but that tom turkey in full strut, his buddie right beside him. Heck, I wasn't 20 yds from 'em and up went the SP10 and down went one fine tom. Sure I didn't call 'em up, but maybe they were waitin' for those "hens" they'ed been hearin' to float down the creek and under the bridge grin.gif Shot that tom at exactly 20 steps while he was struttin and I found copper all around him in the sand. Tough ole bird fer sure. I let the other one fly on off down the creek. I was happy laugh.gif

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Re: How bad have you got it???

i havent been as abd this year as in the past, the only hting i have done would be the fact that i got a broom and i swept the turjey tracks off the road, that was yeasterday.....they were going into where i want to hunt and i have to protect it, lol.......

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Re: How bad have you got it???

Got my first bird with 7 1/2 shot

Missed a jake at 10 yards and got it 40 yards as it was flying away

longest beard..12"

longest spur 1 1/4

heviest bird 23 1/2

spent 4 days of my life hunting one single bird (wish I would have mounted that one)

chasing a flock of turkeys in the fall to break them up and ran into a barbed wire fence at full speed..... did a complete flip........lucky for me it was dull, old and rusty..

I drive 7 hours to MO. 2 weekends in the spring to hunt

shot a bird at 55 steps...I was in a treestand and it threw me off..... I never shoot past 40 yards..

Hunting on public land , I have had as many as 5 people calling to one bird at one that dangerous or what ! ........ anyways.... I figured out how to shoot that bird.. I did it twice and works like a charm....... now I just walk away if I hear another person calling to the same bird I'm working..

watched a flock of 125 birds fly acrooss a river (that was awsome)

they say turkeys love acorns....I always check to see what they are eating..... of all the birds I have shot.... I found only 1 single acorn!

Had a turkey coming in on a rope staight for me at 60 yards... a small redfox took a jump at him bye bye turkey !

had a hen 2' away from me

found 13 little polts and one pissed of hen lol

I had 7 gobblers all around me within 200 yards .... a serious thunderstorm was a few miles away....A big clap of thunder = 7 gobblers sounding of at the same time... AWSOME !

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Re: How bad have you got it???

One morning I was calling for my brother. There was a tom gobbling his head off across the valley. So we slid on our butts down a very long, very steep hill and waded a 30 yard wide, thigh deep creek (no waders or nothin'). It was 25 degrees that morning!! shocked.gif

The tom shut up just about the time we reached the far bank. So we had to re-trace our path to get back to the truck. crazy.gif

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Re: How bad have you got it???



They made me drive 8 hours and just about die climbing hills in bear infested country..................


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Those weren't bear's...those were coyotes dressed up as bears to try and scare you away! tongue.gif

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Re: How bad have you got it???

Made me...

buy another gun,

spend tons of money figuring out which choke/shell combination is the best

re-allocate my vacation now for every Friday in May,

buy all new camo,

lots more turkey calls(this one really drives the family nuts!LOL!!!),

driving my co-workers nuts with the turkey talk and turkey sounds,

Drives me nuts waiting to start the turkey season, at the end of deer season until the 1st of May! 5-6 month wait!!!

Listening to the wife get mad when I tell her next year I want the 935 now instead of the 835! LMBO!!!


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Re: How bad have you got it???

Like you there's been a lot over the years. From going out so early in the dark to be sure not to bump a bird off the roost that I've roosted the prior afternoon to shimming across logs over deep creeks to get on the same side as a gobbling turkey. Once I even took the big plunge. shocked.gif That water sure was cold too. Then there was that memorable hunt in New Mexico where I set up 14 different times on the same bird and finally killed him after a 6 hour marathon hunt. I mounted that bird in memory of the hunt. There's been numerous times I've belly crawled my way to get to cover to move around in front of where a gobbler was heading and belly crawled to get in position so I wouldn't risk getting busted. Sometimes the move ended in a dead gobbler but as you know the gobblers usually win the battles.

Once I went to Vermont to turkey hunt after having hunted at home, in Texas and New Mexico that year. I asked the guy that I met up there how many birds he had taken that season. He said 1 so far. Since I had already bagged 5 birds in 3 different states that season, I told him he could do the shooting and I'd just come along as a backup caller to enjoy the show. I'll never forget the puzzled look on his face. grin.gif We had a great hunt working and watching some gobblers strut their stuff but didn't quite get one into range for him to pull the trigger. None the less it was another memorable hunt. wink.gif

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Guest 257Roberts

Re: How bad have you got it???

all of the above. I've been turkey hunting for roughly 10 years so you can imagine i have a few turkey calls. This year alone i have probalbly spent close to 70 bucks on turkey calls and the season has just gotten started. The bad thing is i have about two or 3 favorite calls that i almost exclusively use. I feel like Mel Gibson in "Conspirocy Theory", exept turkey calls are my Catcher in the Rye. When i see on i have to buy it. I am seeking help with this through daily group theorpy on the Mississippi Dept of Wildlife turkey discussion forum.

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Re: How bad have you got it???



They made me drive 8 hours and just about die climbing hills in bear infested country.................. grin.gif


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But..................did you kill one????????? smirk.gif

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Sure did, but I owe that to some guy sitting behind me in the woods talking sexy to the birds...... shocked.gif


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Re: How bad have you got it???

I remember one morning I had my Decs set out about 25 yards out in front of me and I watch a coyote stalk up and attack my decoy. That yote came in well over 200 yards to my turkey calling. That was hilarious. Of course the yote didn't get to far with my decoy.


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