Trespasser Blasted with Paint Bomb


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‘Trespasser’ Blasted with Paint Bomb - Im just curious what everyone thoughts are on this method, and would you do it ?

My opinion is that there's no foul considering it wouldn't have happened if he wasn't trespassing in the first place.

This is the story ...

We’ve heard of using trail cameras to catch trespassers “in the act,” but we’ve never seen anything quite like this YouTube® video. We’re not sure where the truth lies in this matter, but if this deer hunter really was trespassing on the land, he sure got more than he bargained for.This incident allegedly occurred in eastern Pennsylvania during the early hours of the opening day of the gun-deer season in 2013.What are your thoughts? Was this ruse justified, or did the landowner take things a bit too far with the booby-trap?

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The only problem I see with it is...if the trespasser had not been wearing glasses would there have been a risk of eye injury? If so, the landowner would have been liable in any state I'm familiar with. I know of one instance where a landowner put a cable across an ATV trail at his property line to keep trespassers out that were ridding into his property. An ATV rider (yep..ignoring a posted sign) tried to drive through and was taken off his ATV and injured. The landowner was sued and lost. Why? The cable was not marked with flagging or whatever where a reasonable person would have seen it.

Apparently this landowner has had a lot of issues with trespassers to take matters to this extreme. If that's right, I sure can't blame him for going to this extreme.

Would I do it? NO! Why? The main 60 years old I just might forget it's there and paint myself or forget to warn one of my buddies about it and have them blasted with paint. :boo: Hey...with only 1 good leg left I sure can't outrun too many mad buddies anymore. ;)

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Trespasser Blasted with Paint Bomb

Title is all wrong, they mistake"hunter"for poacher. Trespassers hunting on another private property without permission are poaching thieves in my opinion.

Not watched the clip but i think that is a great idea and yes i would do it after talking it over with our game warden to be sure he did not object.

I get what Al is saying but trespassers should not assume the landowner takes accountability in any way for anything that happens to them on property they are not supposed to be on. If a trespasser gets hurt on my property it is their fault. That said i do carry a farm liability policy. Paint to the face makes the person identifiable by leo's.

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Trespasser Blasted with Paint Bomb

Watched it on my phone Luke. Only audio i heard was the blast. Suppose a downward paint bomb might have been a better option so as to not blast in the eyes. Appeared to me the guy was most concerned with wiping down his gun.

Seems like I remember a story about a lawsuit where some kids riding dirt bikes and one ran into a barb wire fence on a property they had no permission to be on and got clotheslined. Landowner was sued by the family of one that died but don't remember ever hearing the outcome. Poacher could fall from their stand or set up in a bad tree and have a fall. Step in a hole and break their leg, get snake bit, and on and on.

People win ridiculous lawsuits, it happens, same poacher might be on your property and accidentally shoot someone or you or one of your kids.

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He sure was not in a hurry to leave..and top it off.... HE is grumbling about the S.O.B. landowner?? Just the way he was crossing the property line, he had been there before and had NO concern he was TRESSPASSING! Even casually glancing at the cam just before he got the JUSTLY paint bombed. Heck,... I was hoping there was a second one!!

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No way could I do that this day in time as we live in such a litigious society. I'm quite sure a jury would side with the guy if he had some eye injury or even claimed he had PTSD after the incident lol. Even if you won, the legal fees could be tremendous to defend yourself. Not sure what kind of device was used but sounded pretty loud. Would be bad if a kid was lost walking his way out and got hurt from shrapnel.

That being said, the guy got what he deserved. What I can't understand is when you realize that you just went through a trap, and after such a loud bang, I'd be making tracks out of there fast!

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Different situation but on the same topic. There was an older couple near hear years ago that had a pool. The pool was inside a locked wooden fence in the back yard. They had let some neighbors bring their children over a couple of times to swim. One day while the pool owners were away on vacation, the neighbors hopped the fence and used the pool. A child drowned. They were sued. Many months later the couple won but in the process were completely broke and lost the house as a result.

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I thought the video was bit comical. It seems obvious to me that this guy's been trespassing on the property before. It is very difficult to get attention from law enforcement or the DNR for people trespassing, so I see why he took matters into his own hands. Would I have done it.....probably not.

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The problem I have is the trespasser keeps saying he was never told he couldn't walk the property. Here's my problem with that, Where do people get it's OK to just go prancing on property they know they don't own, and never asked permission to access, he even walks right pass a NO TRESPASSING sign.

I have personally told individuals that they weren't welcome to hunt the property that I hunt, and have stopped hunting myself to escort them off the property only have them return a couple days later to be caught by me again, and when Ive called a warden about the repeat offenses, only to be told they are to busy to deal with a trespassing issue.

So truly where is the landowners recourse on his/her own property ???

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So truly where is the landowners recourse on his/her own property ???

Was told that repeat offenders like that if you know who they are that you can file trespassing warrant on them with your sheriff dept where if they break that they get charged.

Far as this guy goes, i bet he did know. The guy that rigged the camera and paint must have been having some trouble in order to take such measures.

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I remember yrs ago my hunting partner and i were hunting a farm owned by a friend of my hunting partners father . While we were hunting we heard other hunters yelling at us to get off the property . When we were done hunting we were meet by the other 2 hunters and a game warden , asking who we were and if we had permission to hunt the land . And my buddy did all the talking because his father called the property owner the night before to get us permission to hunt . The other hunters were saying that the farmer doesn't own the farm any more and we told them and the game warden that we got permission last night from the owner and the 2 other hunters had a shocked look on their faces and We asked the game warden if we could call the land owner up ,All of a sudden the 2 other hunters became scared and the game warden started to notice this and asked the 2 other hunters if they had permission to hunt the land there should be no reason for the 2 of you to have any worries , my partner and i were let go without any tickets but he kept the 2 other hunters there , not sure what happened after that .

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I have personally told individuals that they weren't welcome to hunt the property that I hunt, and have stopped hunting myself to escort them off the property only have them return a couple days later to be caught by me again, and when Ive called a warden about the repeat offenses, only to be told they are to busy to deal with a trespassing issue.

So truly where is the landowners recourse on his/her own property ??? the sheriff. That's what we've done & filed charges on a trespasser. JMO but that's a better choice than the game warden. might want to call the game warden too. If he says he's too busy to deal with the DNR's office and tell them what the warden told you. Then ask what they suggest you do about having trespassing laws enforced. If you take the step to file charges, the word gets out you're serious. If you don't, the word gets out you're not willing to pursue trespassing issues further than making them leave if they get caught.

That's a bunch of garbage with the guy saying he was never told he couldn't walk on the property, even though the landowner claims he did since he's owned it the past 6 years. A landowner shouldn't have to verbally tell EVERYONE they can't walk on their property...that's what posted signs are for. Under the law...that's the means of sending the message TELLING everyone approaching the property that they are not allowed to set foot on it for any reason at all.

That's also a bunch of garbage about him saying he's used the trail for 61 years so that gives him the right to keep using it. If someone was repeatedly a guest in the house you own before you bought it, does that give them the right to come in and help themselves after you bought it an moved in? I don't think so!!!

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This guy knew who did it and why he did it. He was cleaning up because he didn't know about the camera and wanted to be able to deny he had tripped the trap.

I'm frankly amazed at the comments under the video that some folks believe since the previous owner gave him permission to hunt the property for 10 years the new owner must be legally bound to extend the same courtesy. Really? What law book is that BS in?

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This guy knew who did it and why he did it. He was cleaning up because he didn't know about the camera and wanted to be able to deny he had tripped the trap.

I'm frankly amazed at the comments under the video that some folks believe since the previous owner gave him permission to hunt the property for 10 years the new owner must be legally bound to extend the same courtesy. Really? What law book is that BS in?

Now this I agree with. I have permission to hunt neighboring properties to the family farm, but I ask for permission every year, it's just common courtesy.

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