Summer Outdoor 3D Leagues/Shoots


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Nice score db!! I just picked up a Scott Longhorn Hex release to try, may help a little bit with my tendency to trigger punch. Need to get to a local course to do a little practice before the R100.

a two finger doesn't have enough control, a four finger is easier to punch, and a three finger is just right in my mind. keep weight on your index finger until you settle in.

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shot again yesterday evening. ended up with a 304. I was rushing a bit. it's important to slow down. if you settle in and focus on pulling through with back tension that pin will slow right down and tighten up just before the release fires. that's part of the difference between shooting 10's and X's.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I shot the R100 this weekend...not good shooting. But I found part of the reason I think. I took along both my bows. Was shooting my 2013 Hunter and just was not shooting consistently like I was. Noticed the cable along the cam is getting worn and frayed and my bow seemed noisy at the shot but everything tight. Decided last 1/2 of the one course to shoot my 2011 Hunter and my bow was dead in hand, quiet, and arrow groups improved. Some of it my error but I think something is off with my one bow....

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Well I shot the R100 this weekend...not good shooting. But I found part of the reason I think. I took along both my bows. Was shooting my 2013 Hunter and just was not shooting consistently like I was. Noticed the cable along the cam is getting worn and frayed and my bow seemed noisy at the shot but everything tight. Decided last 1/2 of the one course to shoot my 2011 Hunter and my bow was dead in hand' date=' quiet, and arrow groups improved. Some of it my error but I think something is off with my one bow....[/quote']

seems odd. cables only really show wear that soon with contact. something isn't right.

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Yeah bow is 1 year old...I was shooting great up until a few days before the shoot, noticed my arrows weren't grouping right, thought it was me. At the was bad I thought it was me. Finally last 1/2 of course I noticed the serving on top string/cable is worn and frayed, almost squared on the sides...a little bit on bottom cam string serving as well but not like on top and bow making alot of vibration in hand...something is wrong. I think I'll send it out to the guy I sent my other bow to for new strings and tuning.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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