Successful Opening Day


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I had a really good hunt this morning. Unlike most of the turkey hunters in the area, I love to chase those gobblers in the mountains...or at least what we call mountains. Anyway, I had quite a hike to get to the spot I wanted to hunt. Once I got there, I stepped off about 20-25 steps from my tree and started placing my decoys (which BTW is the first year that it's ever been legal in Alabama to use decoys). I got the jake decoy set up and started to set up the hen decoy. I didn't so much as get the stake in the hen decoy when a THUNDERING gobble let out just 40-60 yards from me...boy I got in tight. I very slowly and quietly slipped my way back to my tree. By that time, hens started yelping and cutting everywhere...and I mean everywhere. I only had time to put a mouth call in and started a little soft calling myself.

The weather forecast was suppose to be somewhat clear until late in the afternoon. Well all of the sudden, it started sleeting and raining. All my rain gear was in the truck. Anyway, there was no way I was leaving with all the action I was having...I was just going to have to get wet!

At flydown time, several hens flew right over my head and glided off the mountain...dang!!! I started doing a flydown cackle to see if I could keep some of the turkeys from flying worked. Several hens just flew from one tree to another and then to the ground. The whole time gobbles were echoing through the woods. A few minutes later, I heard the gobblers fly down just above me. I was setup between a hen on the ground yelping and the gobblers...this was going to get good quick! Then, all of the sudden I saw two gobblers coming through the trees...they were heading straight for the decoys. I let the first one walk out and decided to take a look at the second one before shooting the first one. The second one had a thicker beard so I took him. He was only about 15 steps from me!

After I shot, the other gobbler pecked the flopping gobbler about three times. There was also a jake with them and he flew up in a tree and started making all kinds of racket. Eventually he flew off. The other gobbler stayed within 15 steps of me for about 20 minutes before he decided to leave. I messed with him for several minutes and he was THUNDER GOBBLING right there in front of me. Too bad we can only take one gobbler a day...but then again...he'll be there for another hunt.

After the gobbler left, I went and retrieved my bird. Oh yeah, it was only 6:17 am when I pulled the trigger. Nice...less than 30 minutes of sitting time! He's not a huge turkey but a great way to start the season. 9 3/4" beard, 7/8" spurs, 20 lbs.


I got a call from my dad about 9:00am and he got one on our property about 40-50 miles from me. 11" beard, 1 1/4" spurs, 18 lbs. Here's a pic of the both of us.


It was a great opener!!!!

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Re: Successful Opening Day


AWESOME hfB, I knew we'd be seeing you and a dead bird today. Good story too, you must have light feet in order to get so close. Congrats.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was trying to be as quiet as humanly possible. It seemed like it took me forever to get where I wanted to go because I was trying to be extra extra careful. I didn't realize that I had gotten so kind of worried me for a little bit. When the hens were moving from tree to tree, there were literally hens in trees 15-20 yards from me. With the woods being so open this time of year, I knew any wrong move would spell disaster. I think I played my cards right and everything worked out to my advantage. It was definitely a great hunt!

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Re: Successful Opening Day

Good going Huntn4bucks!!! It's starting already. Us northerners go thru this every year as our seasons don't start until later so we sit here listening to your stories and gettin' all pumped up with nowhere to go!! grin.gifgrin.gif Keep em' coming though as it's a good fix for the winter blues here...

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