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The mineral rocks are all about the same thing. Pure salt attracts better in my farms. The minerals probably help my does with milk production more than bucks on antler growth.

You can also create your own mix from the local feed lot, but I prefer a 5.00 salt block over a 15.00 trophy rock. Not to mention the salt blocks tolerate rain better. Set them on a stump or something to get them off the ground and they last longer.

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The bio logic and deer cain rocks work ok but not as well as trophy rocks in my experience. They are different, the labels do not have the same percentages of dical and other minerals. Some of those rocks are from Pakistan. Trophy rock is mined here in this country.

Loose deer cain seems to be more attractive here than the trophy rock imitators. The blocks are pretty similar, the deer Cain blocks do work pretty well.

Trace mineral blocks work fine too and are cheaper yet.

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I don't use any of the mineral block/rock types at all. They are a lot more expensive than other options that work at least just as good.

No haven't switched to any new forums. This one is usually slow in the summer and appears to be even slower since going through the pains of the recent quirks/bugs of the upgrade. There's still some bugs that haven't been worked out yet too.

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There you guys are haha. Well hoping this biologic block can keep the bucks coming until opening day cause if he makes the mistake to come to the block area when I can see him he will have his last lick haha. I wanted to get the acorn rage 20lb block but they sold out before I could get around to buying it

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