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So I just got off the phone with my friend who works for the Minnesota DNR and was just chit chating on my turkey tag situation. I understand how turkey hunting is growing and catching the interest of many Minnesotan people. So my first pick zone had 200 tags available. I know of about 19 people (relatives and neighbors) who did not get picked this year. My good friend said they think PETA member’s have been applying for turkey tags for quite some time to mess with the hunter’s who get picked. I wish these people understood that all hunting regulations and rules are deciphered on professional’s evaluation on population, habitat and management. I am seriously really bothered by this PETA b.s. and I completely believe it is true because not many tags were filled in this particular zone last year. I can speak for myself as a hunter that I put more back into our natural resources and hunting than I take out. I eat everything I take and have ethics and values when it comes to hunting. Are these people so narrow-minded and bored they don’t have anything better to do!? Minnesota needs to come up with a better situation or rules for applying. I think Wisconsin is different that if you apply and don’t hunt you can’t apply for 3 years? Does anyone know what it is specifically?

ONE MAD HUNTIN’ MINNESOTA GAL! I am really biting my tongue on this one… there is a lot more I would like to say but I won’t!

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Holly crap! I would not put it past them!

Im sure they would do anything to keep an animal alive! You know I never really even thought about that! But Man it sure makes sense that the PETA groups would allpy for tags and such just to keep other people from getting them!

THATS CRAP and something should be done!

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We have the same problem in Maine with the moose permit lottery. The only thing that keeps it a little more fair is that if you are drawn one year, you have to wait something like 1-2 years before you can try for another one, whether you tag out or not. Don't bother trying to figure out how the brain of a PETA member works...many have tried and it just doesn't make sense! LOL

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Never thought of that. I could see where that is a problem in Wisconsin too. Our zone gives out about 1500 tags (it goes up every year) and there is still only about 30% success. It would make sense.

But, everyone and their uncle goes for 1st season as their first choice. I go for 2nd, 3rd and then 1st. I got a tag two years in a row for the first time ever. cool.gif

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Guest Andrea


Waterfowler gal you should move to Florida. We don't have to worry about crap like that. Tags for turkeys?????? Gimme a break. Shouldn't they have to provide proof of a hunting license before they are issued tags? And if they don't fill their tags , then yes...they shouldn't be allowed to get anymore for a long time!

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I heard they were doing that in a few areas. The good thing is that in most cases the DRN will eventually notice the low success rate and harvest numbers and give out more tags. The same number of birds/animals will eventually be killed, but all the peta freaks will be donating to conservation for once.

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Waterfowl gal,

I've thought about joining them in order to learn more about their ways but don't think I could handle their BS either and you'd be seeing me in the news section under "Hunter puts several PETA members in hospital". Maybe Minnesota needs to change it so that everyone must apply via credit card and they automatically bill you for the license if drawn. Plus having some way to prove that you were hunting them as in gun owership, etc.

When are you heading to SD?? We are heading out on Tuesday May 3rd. Can't wait to go.

Redbeard, I'm with you on that one. I've been waiting for the day when one of them disrupts my hunting in some way. I guarantee I would scare the @#$@#$^ out of them....

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Hmm....I never thought about that. I wouldnt put it past those freakin morons though. How does the application system work? If you apply for a certain zone dont you have to live in it....or near it? It seems weird to me that PETA could eat up all those tags. I dont know squat about that process though so maybe I am wrong. I'm just glad the only thing I have to apply for here is a doe tag, and there isnt any problem getting one or two of those.

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