No deer... Then turkey


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Archery deer season has been very slow... all the small bucks walk by me and the big shooters just stay away. Being frustrated I decided to go for turkeys. There has ben a group of 50 birds feeding every morning in a picked cornfield. Went out Sunday morning at 5 am. 50 degrees and a light mist falling. 3 weeks ago I had set up a blind across the field from the roost area with the hope of hunting these birds someday. They flew down at 7 AM I called and they just wandered around for 2 1/2 hours, feeding in the field. Finally the came to within 100 yards and just stayed there for 20 minutes. Soon some hens began clucking very loudly so I got aggressive with the call. They slowly fed towards my blind. All of a sudden 15 came running into the DSD decoy field. Some really nice hens, however, I noticed 50 yards away a nice tom was heading in and I waited for him. Shot him at 25 yards. 24.5 lbs. 11 1/4 inch beard and 1 1/4 spurs. By far my biggest fall bird. I usually shoot the first thing that walks by in the fall as I am a meat hunter in the fall.

good luck to all

the dog


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