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I watch all these outdoor hunting shows and they ALL say to Scent Killer or some kind of scent killer before hunting. Then they say, use a Cove Scent. Before that, Shower with scent killer soap or wash. Then was clothes in Scent Killing detergent. Then you need Scent Lok clothing. THEN after all that, use Ozonics!! I have done it all and they still get me!! Is this stuff just to get your money? You can have thousands of dollars locked up in all this stuff and still get busted!! Oh yea, don't forget the Tinks, Doe Pee, etc.and Rubber boots, drags, All the Deer calls and Antler Rattles!!! Mercy!! But before all that, don't forget the Trail Cameras!! $$$$$$

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Who do you think pays the bill for the T.V. spot? The sponsors!..thats right...".follow the money"

..to the most part I agree with you, as I believe your rant is more the products the shows push, rather than the results you are getting.

One thing I have noticed, between seasons... Hosts will switch bow brands, camera brands, food plot seed brands, and even the show will get a "name" changed with a "sponsors" name.


It appears "highest bidder" determines which brand are used. That's what the "Host" of the show will push..

I understand the frustration with all the "hype" these shows bring with the products...look at game calls...every year the companys update their calls it seems...lates,t greatest etc. Some calls do get better, other I think are trying to "keep up" with the industry..but one you gotta have is the "Extinguisher"!!! HURRY, ONLY ONE PERCENT of all hunters will have one, before orders are filled!!...ROFL!!

we all get busted,

We know we need to be as scent free as possible, what products one uses is his or her choice.

The list of products..??


Edited by Mathews XT Man
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There are a million different products on the market and it is up to us the consumer to decide for ourselves first of all whether or not to purchase a product and second of all to decide if it works or not, they are all merely an aid to hunting and NOT a guarantee, no company will ever tell you it's a guarantee, that's why it's hunting. Different things work in different locations in different scenarios... Use the wind, that is the most successful way for an animal to not scent you.

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Think there are a lot of gimmicky items on the market, a lot of people get duped. There are some that work. When comes to scent nothing is 100 percent effective. Found that natural odors like cedars where they exist make the best cover scent, those tv guys are not going to advertise that though.

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There are a million different products on the market and it is up to us the consumer to decide for ourselves first of all whether or not to purchase a product and second of all to decide if it works or not' date=' they are all merely an aid to hunting and NOT a guarantee[/quote']


There are a lot of other products you didn't even mention too...like modern treestands and camo with 3D patterns. They are all just aids to hunting too. Figure out what helps your odds.

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Once my supplies from last year are used up I'm done with scent control products. The only exception might be a spray for my boots prior to walking into a stand. Scent block, lock, whatever clothing has no advantage over the normal clothing from my experience. Best thing to do is play the wind and then when that big buck comes into your set (downwind anyway) hope that thermals are lifting your scent up and that you're high enough not to get busted. I'm not drinking the Ozonics cool aid either.

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