how often during season.........


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I only have two and check one about twice per month. It's in the tree I hunt in and check it when I hunt that location. The second I only check about once per month because its not real close to a stand I hunt but the deer that move by it generally go by the stand 50 yards down the trail.

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It depends on where it is. Some that I use to scout with are set on scrapes or food plots to try to determine what is using the area. Those I'll probably check/move more often than cams set close to a stand. Cams set near or at stands in the timber only get checked if I'm hunting the stand. Time doesn't matter. If I have cams set on a field I can easily check those in the middle of the day without risk of disturbing the area. Even those set out mainly to scout will only get checked every week or so, assuming I'm there to do it. Depends on how often I'm hunting that property. I'm hunting in 2 states.

In Missouri we usually just check them if one of us is hunting close to where the cam is. If it's covering something by a stand in the timber it only gets checked when the stand is hunted. If it gets down to the last day we're there, sometimes we'll check the ones we haven't checked yet that aren't set by a stand in the timber. There's no telling for sure when we'll be there the next time to hunt. We have 9 cams that we run in MO but right now we only have 6 set out. They are all set on food source fields right now. It's post rut time in MO so covering the food sources is the name of the game.

In MS I have 5 cams. The end of the 3rd week of Oct. I pulled all but 1 since I knew I would not be hunting in MS until the Thanksgiving holiday period. I checked and moved that one Saturday. Set out 3 more too. One is in a bottom covering 2 scrapes below a stand I set Sunday so it will only get checked right after I hunt the stand. The other 3 are in scouting postions on scrapes. It's still pre-rut time in MS. Cruising phase of the rut doesn't usually crank up until about the 15th of December.

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Had one between a couple stands here that i let go about three weeks. Few times prior i had been down there did not take a card with me. Wish i had checked it before yesterday, had one heck of a nice mature 8 on the 15th, that was the morning I killed my 10. I would have hunted that stand and area aggressively had i known he was around. With our rifle season wide open now kind of doubt he is still around.

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as often as I want;

If I bait the stand I pull the card, since Im driving the gator right by to stop to bait, may as well pull card/change batt. if

need I get a timeline on who is showing up when.If I am huntiong that stand I pull card and check it out on card reader up in the stand.

lease land, at least once a week

does will stand and watch me drive by, farm deer don't get that spooked

Edited by Mathews XT Man
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I guess I am the exception... The ones around the house I check them often, daily if I can. The ones 45 mins away I check weekly. I want to know what is moving and when it is doing it. As different stages take place I can note the movement and activity without actually seeing it in person. Checking cards paid off for me this last Friday. I worked half a day Friday and was driving the Mule around checking cards about 1:30pm. 30 yards from a camera on a green field I jumped one of the bucks I was wanting bedded down with a doe. I changed my hunt location that evening to the green field because of the sighting and at 4:30 I had that buck down.

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I'll check them a week prior to gun season and usually very early afternoon. However, most of my cameras are very easy to get to without causing much disturbance. I have it planned that way during hunting season. After hunting season I will move a few back to some bedding areas and check monthly.

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