Online Sales Tax


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All my Christmas shopping is done thanks to online shopping. What's the story with sales tax! I remember years ago I purchased a generator for 900.00 and paid ZERO sales tax! It was an out of state store (which is exactly what I was looking for). Now it seems no matter where I order from I get charged an IL online sales tax. Freaking Illinois. So unless I'm mistaken we do NOT pay sales tax for our hunting license and deer permits. Is that correct? If so - then HA! Eat it Illinois - all my deer meat is tax free and another reason to hunt for food in the woods instead of the store.

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Do a lot of online purchasing, makes good sense. Taxed even on foods at the grocery store here. Tennessee has a pretty steep state sales tax, been discussion of an online sales tax here. Afraid it will happen sooner or later. Government and taxes really are ridiculous.

Yeah deer are field to freezer here and as a landowner i don't have to buy license to hunt our farm. That said i pay a hefty chunk for property taxes.

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You're supposed to report all non taxed purchases to the State when you file your State taxes. My uncle has been buying cigarettes from NC over the Internet for years, he lives in NY. He never reported the purchases. They caught up with him and he just got a $1300 bill for past due sales tax!

No state income tax here bug. ;)

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