Time to Dream

colorado bob

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I'll be staying in Colorado with the exception of pronghorn in Wyoming. I think I am going back to archery for elk and I'll also get a B list elk tag so I can hunt elk twice. I have a deer point so I should draw my backyard unit 41. I also have 14 Moose points but who knows if I will ever draw that.

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Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Kansas and Nevada for me. Unless NM changes allotments, I am going to skip it this year on principal. I talked with PDR applying for Alaska, but don't think it is in the cards for me this year.

If my plan goes as it should, I should be hunting elk in Arizona next fall and then planning on deer in Colorado in 2016. I am getting enough points in a number of states to where I should be having nice hunts for while.

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The only points I'm collecting are moose points for Colorado. And the only reason for that is I've been in since the DOW started having a moose season.

I'll apply for elk & maybe deer. I've got 10 points for high country buck----I have a chance to draw that tag. But I'm getting lazy, I don't know if I want to do another back pack hunt. They are physically demanding.

Colorado moose & POW black bear with Fly.

Edited by colorado bob
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