Snipe Creek Outfitter Not Harvest Doe Management


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December 23, 2014 at 12:58pm ·

Snipe Creek management. Producing healthy does (not eradicating does) creates a higher birthing rate of buck fawns. Incoming hunters on the 2015 rut hunt expect to see more bucks then does. An unique habitat structure of the Snipe Creek hunt zone has a balanced herd, created by nature.

Snipe Creek Hunting & Fishing Lodge & Outfitters

December 25, 2014 ·

Snipe Creek management of does - not shooting them- has lead and will lead to a lot of bucks being born. Imagine having carelessly exterminating this doe under a kill doe management program when there really wasn't enough does to begin with. Snipe Creeks hunt zones pretty well have a buck problem of too many bucks, most hunters on a Snipe Creek hunt will see more bucks then does and usually a lot more bucks.

Snipe Creek Hunting & Fishing Lodge & Outfitters

September 25, 2014 ·

QDMA statement received today...says that I'm member number 1450. That will take it back to being a founder.

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