2015 3D League


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Sweet! The shop up the road has a 35 yard indoor 3D pop up range and I shot in a league there for a few years. I haven't done it in a year or two now because of so many activities the kids are in.

Wish we had a league around here. Right now we have just one league at a Matthews dealer and if you show up with something other than a Matthews bow you get harassed.

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Wish we had a league around here. Right now we have just one league at a Matthews dealer and if you show up with something other than a Matthews bow you get harassed.

I really really wish I was closer then. I don't claim to be the best but I'm glad to say I give people a run for their money. I'd bring everything but a Mathews. A lot of great bows these days. Nothing wrong with supporting a brand but trash talking the rest....hahaha..... now that's just silly.

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I was going to go shoot my next 2 scores today but the weather kept me at home. I do have a new stabilizer set-up on the way. DCA 8" front and 6" side set-up for my 3D bow. I need to join IBO so I can go to a qualifier shoot hopefully. Sometime after the 3D league I'll send my bow in for new strings, I noticed the serving on the string is getting worn by the bottom cam.

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good shooting Ruth... you're consistent! let us know how you made out.

the local NEBA shoots have started but they're more individual events. there's a local 3D league I usually shoot in. there's 8 IBO qualifiers here in NY... closest one is about an hour away in Hudson Falls. Might go to that one just to qualify for fun but not sure as if i'll make it to the worlds. too much going on and don't have enough time to devote. also I figure you've got to shoot half 10's and half x's to be in the running for the win (315 out of 330) and I'm not there yet.

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Congrats on winning! Just shot in one local outdoor 3D league yesterday evening. First shoot of the year. Definitely have to kick the rust off but still shot a 298/330. botched a couple and estimated range wrong on the lion that was out there past 40 yards I feel. so that cost me at least 6 points right there as I shot 8s for those. definitely fun and great practice to keep you sharp throughout the year.

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