KE vs. MO -Field testing numbers...


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Ok folks I am still seeing some people in here that are hung up on KE (kenetic energy) as being "THEE" factor of penitration.

I feel its MO or momentum after my testing...

I did some testing with a chrono last fall and used my 55#@28" recurve with 29" carbon arrows at different weights. I found that the heavier your arrow the more MO you gained and KE basically stayed the same even as your arrow speed dropped.

Here are some numbers:

371grain arrow, 175 fps, KE=25, MO=.2878

398grain arrow, 170 fps, KE=25, MO=.2984

423grain arrow, 165 fps, KE=26, MO=.3094

485grain arrow, 152 fps, KE=25, MO=.3268

510grain arrow, 147 fps, KE=24, MO=.3324

I did this tesing because I was told my bow was not strong enough for white tails. I was told that a KE of 25 is the bare minium I should use. Then the folks at told me about going heavy on my arrows no matter what my spped was.

They were right. My bow hits like a hammer!

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Re: KE vs. MO -Field testing numbers...

I am not bashing KE, it does factor in too, but MO is the more important factor when your talking about penitration.

KE is the energy, MO is the force, you need both but the higher the MO the hard and deeper your arrows will hit and drive...

The funniest part is that people think if you pump up your arrow speed, that they will get higher KE.

Dropping or lowering speed will do so but you need to increase or decrease by about 25 to 30 fps to see just 1 KE higher or lower.

I think KE is just another catch phrase to sell bows as is FPS...

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Re: KE vs. MO -Field testing numbers...

So its even better MO then bowjackson gave me. Thanks bro!!

You da man!

I know my compound will blow and arrow threw a deer and keep going, and I have seen my recurve sink an arrow much deeper into a cedar tree then my compound did.

D-OH!!!! shocked.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gifsmirk.gif

But the point is I feel my recurve will hammer a deer at 15 to 20 yards no prob. Given I get a good lung shot.

I was just amazed that MO kept going up as weight did and speed went down. Then even more amazed that KE basically stayed the same in a 25 to 30 fps swing...

Thanks again!

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