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I came home Sunday morning to the news that a friend of mine passed away in the night....he was a childhood this day we played old timers hockey together....he played this weekend and I could not make it because of work........he came home to his family feeling ok........later that night in bed he suffered a massive heart attack.....he never came back.....47 is WAY to young to go.....I can never afford to take my kids on a big trip down south some where.....but today I am getting on the phone and damm it I will be taking them is to short my it now.......RIP Gerald my old friend

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Sorry about your friend Muff. I'm sure you'll figure something out your family will enjoy. I try to do a big trip every other year with my kids. Last year was Yellowstone and Grand Teton. This summer it'll be a Smaller trip (long weekend). I'm thinking about Cedar Point or Kings Island in Ohio. I'm not much for thrill rides these days, but the kids love them and at 12 boy and 13 girl it's tough finding something they both enjoy. The drive through Ohio should be interesting though - with all those giant whitetails in velvet.

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Really sorry to hear about your friend, Joe. Condolences sent!

Hope you find something reasonably priced for a family getaway. Look into Myrtle Beach, been there twice. Very nice place and not as far of a drive as Florida is for us. It was about 18 hours from Ottawa so probably 16 from your place. Lots of things to see and do, tons of golf courses and cheap to rent a condo on the ocean for a week in March.

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Well it was a very big and very sad funeral service today....had tears in my eyes the whole didn't help that I sat in the same seat I did almost to the year ago when my cousin passed away and when I saw Gerald's mass card it is his birthday tomorrow....give your loved one a extra hug tonight guys

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