Nets truly are for fish!


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If the bucks I harvested this year don't convince you that nets are for fish, I don't think anything will.

This is the 12 point 4.5 year old followed by the 8 point 3.5 year old.



I just returned from the 2015 IL Deer Expo and had them both scored. I asked the official to score the 12 point non-typical. He said there had to be 15 inches of non-typical points to score it non-typical. First time I EVER heard that rule. Anyway, they were both scored typical since the 12 point only had 13 0/8 inches of non-typical points. It's an easy conversion to non-typical once the score sheet is available.

Here is the verdict:

12 Point: Typical Gross (152 6/8) Net (114 4/8). If Non-Typical it would have been 152 6/8 (Gross) 140 4/8 (Net)

8 Point: Typical Gross (122 2/8) Net (119 7/8)

So if you like Nets the 8 point scores higher than the 12 point! Crazy!


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William, you were right on the gross score for the 12 at 150 inches gross and over almost 10 inches on the 8 as was I from the trail can pic. I guess it is an actual rule that a deer has to have 15 inches of abnormal points to be scored non-typical? Hard to believe that a 150 class deer can net below 115.

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Yeah that is pretty crazy for that deer to have a net score that low.

Tough sometimes guessing scores on dead deer laying. Helps obviously to have multiple pics and different angles. Ears and eyes make good reference points to help gauge mass and tine length.

Still a great season you had Frank. Congratulations again.

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I'm not a fan of "net" scores. I would love to see P&Y and B&C have a discussion surrounding potential ideas of change going forward. For example listing the gross score of the buck in another column would give more credit to the animal without officially adjusting his place in the books. Another issue is how drastic a busted time affects an animals score. Not only do they lose the inches but they also lose the deduction from the other side. I understand their is no way to accurately judge this piece, but some world class deer have not been discussed due to being busted up.

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For example listing the gross score of the buck in another column would give more credit to the animal without officially adjusting his place in the books.
Actually B&C started putting the gross & net scores in the records for the 1st time with their 26th Big Game Awards 2004-2006. Don't know if P&Y has done that or not. Never really bothered to check their records. The only buck I ever bothered submitting to P&Y for entry was the buck I entered into B&C. Way too much trouble & $ for what you get from P&Y.

Another issue is how drastic a busted tine affects an animals score. Not only do they lose the inches but they also lose the deduction from the other side.
Yep...happened to me with my booner. The end of his left G4 was broken off officially leaving a measurement of 7 5/8". Right G4 measured 10 1/8". In hindsight I was fortunate more of that tine wasn't broken off. I also had 1 short NT point for another deduction.

Yea Frank...I've always said "nets are for fish" before and after I put one in the books. You certainly make a great case to prove that point too. I will ALWAYS feel that way with B&C & P&Y's scoring system. That is pretty absurd for your bigger, mature 12 point to have that kind of net score. There is NO DOUBT...if those 2 bucks are within bow range of a stand anyone's hunting at the same time, which one is going to shot. I've put a tape on a lot of bucks and it's only on vary rare occasions I'll bother figuring the net score. As far as I'm need to know the net score unless the hunter plans to take the buck to an official scorer for entry.

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I asked the official to score the 12 point non-typical. He said there had to be 15 inches of non-typical points to score it non-typical. First time I EVER heard that rule.

BTW Frank...that's just one thing a lot of people don't know. Another is...if the inside spread exceeds the length of the longest main beam the difference is a deduction too.

A friend of mine got hit with that one on a NT buck he entered.

Edited by Rhino
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Joe, I always get the rack back from the taxidermist once he removes it. He'll get it back when he is ready to place it in the form for a full shoulder mount - probably later this spring. Al, I did know of that one because I had a wide typical in 2008 that was one inch wider than a main beam and had to use the main beam length. This would really hurt the score for a broken main beam as Hoosier mentioned.

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