First 70 degree day for 2015


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Yesterday was gorgeous here in eastern Ontario. We hit 21C or 70F and it looks like it's going to hit that again today even though it was 28F when I woke up this morning. My new Stihl MS391 has been put to good use! Time to do all the spring chores. Put the snowmobile away yesterday, falling some big oaks and elms to cut, split and pile to dry for next year. Burning some brush and crap that's accumulated over the winter. Loving the sping temps! Even ran the first boat of the year at work on Saturday. :cool:

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Felt like summer yesterday here. Got into the 80's. Wasps were ridiculous and our dog got bit by a water moccasin.

Saturday was much nicer only got in the low 70's. Cleaned a fence row cut quite a few trees down, got into poison oak (knew it was there, was unavoidable). Got all the brush piled up and field fence stretched and tacked in place. Sprayed a heavy dose of roundup and 2 4 d along fence rows. Will finish tying lower part of fence to the posts after all the vegetation dies so i can see that i am not reaching into a snake.

Rain in forecast pretty well every day this week. Got quite a bit done but my list is growing faster than i seem to be able to cross things off.

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We had our first 70 degree day on Saturday. It got up to 72.


I took advantage of it and did some painting.

I had sandblasted and primed these fenders and the nose from my tractor and was waiting for a nice day so I could shoot the paint on them.

I'm happy with how they turned out.

Why are my photos so small?

Just another issue with this forum software.

Also, when I post it just stalls and I get an error message.

Then if I open the page up in a new window it has been posted.

Just another reason participation is shrinking here I guess.

[ATTACH=CONFIG]temp_13657_1429037252498_256[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]temp_13658_1429037256771_529[/ATTACH]

Edited by Ultradog
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