Iowa bird (pic & video)


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Started hunting Thursday PM. Had two jakes come into the decoy setup and kick the decoy's butt. Passed on them as I knew that there were gobblers around. An hour later the gobblers appeared 200 yards away, however, they wouldn't commit. Too many hens with them. Friday morning same place and same thing. Gobblers with six hens and they would not commit. Came as close as 80 yards. On Saturday I moved the blind to where they were struttin previously'. Sunday morning I get out there and the gobbling starts. He goes behind me on property that I do not have permission to hunt. Passed by at 20 yards. An 1 1/2 hours later he appears where my previous blind was set up (NOTE: swearing). The hens make their way 200 yards around me in the alfalfa field. I do not give up on the calls. I get a little aggressive and the hens start making their way to me. The gobblers follow. The boss tom comes into the decoy field (DSD decoys... man I love these decoys). Before he beats up on my decoy I let him have it. 26 1/2 lbs, 1 inch spurs and 11 1/2 beard (very heavy).

Sorry about the video. I was filming into the morning sun and it really came out crappy.


good luck to all

the dog

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