Ravin R10 man

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spooked a hen out from under a small red pine, while getting ground ready for beans.......figured she was on eggs....14 of them! Got my farmer buddy to stop and look too, he never seen a Turkey nest before.


Edited by Mathews XT Man
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I highly doubt that...Ive spooked them off with forwarder and that hen came right back....we were about to leave the field, so it got real quiet fast, and farm equipment they are used to anyways, we had been right there earlier in the day,..11 a.m. if she had spooked then she was back from that, this was 8 p.m. when I saw her.

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Bumped one off a nest in the middle of a grass pasture a couple weekends ago when the neighbors cows got loose and tried getting them back in for him.

Scared one off a nest here before and she started a new nest like Joe said. No telling how many nests I have come up on while mowing.

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