How Did You?

Ravin R10 man

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Started off Saturday morning running cows through and worming them. Worked in the garden, yardwork, cleaned gutters, then cooked supper(slow smoked a pork loin over pecan). Wife had to work an odd shift late Saturday night into mid morning Sunday so had to keep the kids quiet so she could sleep. Rained Monday so got some inside stuff done.

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Friday night at home. Slept in Saturday morning then went to cousins place at Indian Lake. Took a ride on the lake,had a cookout then to the dirt track and watched the races. Had one driver Life flight out. Talked with cousin til 3am lol. Left Sunday around 1pm and the the rest of the weekend sick in bed.

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Had my brother and nephews come over from Connecticut to my country house in the Catskills. We BBQ'd, played a few games of whiffle ball. The kids rode their dirt bikes while the adults consumed beverages .

Had the kids do a little shooting with the 22's. Had a special surprise for them too. I packed a 2lb bottle full of tannerite. Had one of them pop it with my 223 and what a KaBOOOM it let out!

That got us a visit from the local PD :yes:..No big deal. The officer said there was a call of fireworks. Told him it was Tannerite. He laughed. Looked around, said Y'all is legal. Have a good day and be safe! Extremely professional and courteous.

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