Our lobster season is coming to an end

NS whitetail

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May 31 is the last day of our 6 month lobster season. We plan on having all 400 of our traps home on the bank by Saturday. My plans for Sunday is to have my feet up in the lazyboy with a cold one in hand at my cottage for some much needed R & R. We don't go every day of the 6 months but I want to tell you that it is hard on the body and mind. The winter months are slow but we have been going straight out in April and May. This has been the most financially rewarding season that I have had in my 29 years of being a commercial lobster season and all my thanks goes to the Lord above, he looks out for us and blesses us every day. I will now have a couple of months off to do as I please and enjoy life . I love my job and wouldn't trade it for any other in the world.

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