2005 Oklahoma Get Together...


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Hey Mod will you please pin this to the top...Thanks!

Well gang it's going to be here before you know it....

I want to get this posted and see if we can get a date set. I talked to Tony and he is going to be here. He said July 4th is out for him.... Me? Well I'm pretty well open to any date but April 6th through May 6th is not good. Because I'll be turkey huntin'... grin.gif

This year I am thinking of having a fish fry with all the trimings. Frys, hush puppies and coleslaw and maybe some good ole beans to go with it... grin.gif

I will have practice bags and what ever else to shoot at for arrow flinging...

We will also have our annuel 3-D shoot. There will be a first and second place for each division.

I figure we will do it like we did last year. There will be a rangefinder class and a Unmark distance class.

The range is a 40 target coarse.

20 targets are Mckenzie and the other 20 targets are Rinehart.

The price is for each person for the range:

$5.00 for 20 targets or $10.00 for all 40.

We can all decide on that when we get there....

Range hours are from 12:00 noon till 8:00pm.

There is a pro shop there also. Last year he wasn't open because he was at a shoot....

Bring plenty of arrows... Yes JB (The Stabilizer King) this means you to...lol grin.gif

So what yall say! Does this sound good and if so lets get a date set and get this ball a rolling... cool.gif

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Re: 2005 Oklahoma Get Together...

I'm up for any weekend you guys pick, except around the 17th of June The Owa Chito shoot is that weekend.

I'm up for the 40 targets.

I could've sworn that last years was a 50 target course? I know Ryan, Kyle, and I stayed late and shot the last set by ourselves.

Also, Dale, as soon as Mike gets some kinks worked out, I'm planning on making my way up there one weekend to shoot with ya'll. You or Mike just give me a holler.

I'm ready this year. Santa Clause brought me a range finder! No more counting on Jason to range the targets. I swear he must be dyslexic! There's quite a difference between 34 yards and 43 yards.....grin.gif

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Re: 2005 Oklahoma Get Together...


Also, Dale, as soon as Mike gets some kinks worked out, I'm planning on making my way up there one weekend to shoot with ya'll. You or Mike just give me a holler.

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Sounds good Kevin. I'll look forward to that...

I sure would like to see more people come this year to the get together....

I'm tellin' you right now folks. It is a blast. We all had a great time together.

Anyone and everyone is welcome to come to this...

I don't want any body in here to think that the 3-D shoot is hard core, because it's not....

This is just plain ole good fun... smile.gif

Even thought one team out there had something going on with the turkey targets...lol shocked.gifgrin.gif

Like I said I am open to any date after May 6th...

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Re: 2005 Oklahoma Get Together...

I say we set it for mid-late May. June is outta the question for me, my kids will be here for the month.

Don't worry about the fish, I should be able to take care of that. But my wife said the only way I can take that much fish outta the house, is she has to come cook the hushpuppies, and she makes darn good hush puppies

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Re: 2005 Oklahoma Get Together...

We had it on August 9th last year, I say lets set it for late july or early august that way there is more than enough time to plan ahead and get off work and stuff. Late May and Early june is bad for me, I will be on a cruise in the carribean haha.

Hey Kevin lemme know when you come up to griz's. I'd like to come up as well if I would be imposing.


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Re: 2005 Oklahoma Get Together...



Yes JB (The Stabilizer King) this means you to...lol

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It's on now buddy!!!!!!!!!!! mad.gifgrin.gif

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Hey JB, if you need a truck to haul this years stabilizer let me know. Ill be more then glad to haul it for you.... grin.gif

Im ready guys. It can be next weekend for all I care! Fingers and I were just talking about this yesterday.... Im so ready!

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Re: 2005 Oklahoma Get Together...




May 6th

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Happy Birthday to me! grin.gif Hehehehe!

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What is it with all the crack-smokin' hippies on RT lately??? crazy.gifgrin.gif

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Give him a break, he's from up north and those poor fella's just aint right... wink.giftongue.gif

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