2005 Oklahoma Get Together...


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Re:Oklahoma Get Together... A Date Has Been Set!



You're telling me. I had to hold his mirror every morning while he put on his make-up.... grin.gif But apparently deer are attracted to Avon.... grin.gif

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LMBO... grin.gif

Yeah he had to powder his nose before he got in the stand... grin.gif

Don't forget him running all over camp in that camo thong either...ROTFLMBO... grin.gif

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Could ya'll -please keep this clean.............HSOG in a thong is an image I could have done without!!!! grin.gif

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Re:Oklahoma Get Together... A Date Has Been Set!


Whenever gang! I just need a little advance so I can make the plans.

8/6 is fine with me, hopefully JB can make it. If that doesnt work later in the month is fine too...

Btw fingers, how long have you been living here? grin.gif



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Hey Dwin, and Ryan. You guys are more then welcome to ride with me and Tim (being its on a day we can make it). With gas at $247.53 a gallon it might not be a bad idea..... let me know, oh and Dwin, I have room for your son too. If everyone doesnt want to ride in my extended cab I can steal the wife's Xterra.

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Sounds good jeramie!!! It would make it alot easier on all of our pocket books. More money for the fun stuff!!!!

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Re:Oklahoma Get Together... A Date Has Been Set!

Oh man I can already see this....

JB with his extra long flecth-o-matic, 16 rod, dial turn, 45% offset with a hamster wheel in the center of the this stabilier following Todd around, yelling "You Shoot First Todd! You Shoot Frist!", HSOG shooting 3-D in a camo thong and with pink bunny slippers on and Roadkill running around trying to put his weiner out. Oh and lets not mention about that poor, poor ole 3-D struting turkey target... shocked.gif LMBO... grin.gif

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Re:Oklahoma Get Together... A Date Has Been Set!



Whenever gang! I just need a little advance so I can make the plans.

8/6 is fine with me, hopefully JB can make it. If that doesnt work later in the month is fine too...

Btw fingers, how long have you been living here? grin.gif



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Hey Dwin, and Ryan. You guys are more then welcome to ride with me and Tim (being its on a day we can make it). With gas at $247.53 a gallon it might not be a bad idea..... let me know, oh and Dwin, I have room for your son too. If everyone doesnt want to ride in my extended cab I can steal the wife's Xterra.

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Sounds good jeramie!!! It would make it alot easier on all of our pocket books. More money for the fun stuff!!!!

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Cool, as time draws closer we will get some plans together....

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Re:Oklahoma Get Together... A Date Has Been Set!



Bad news, looks like I may not be able to make it this year. My mom and neice are coming to visit, looks like it may be that weekend to.

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oh man! Your kiddin me!

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April Fools!!!! NOT!!!!!!!!!!

Nope, after me living here for 6 years, my mom has Finally decided to pay me a visit!

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Re:Oklahoma Get Together... A Date Has Been Set!


Look at it this way, it will be less competition for you guys, some of you actually stand a chance at getting 1st place in the shoot now!!

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You guys better not under estimate me? Im pretty good shooter!

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Re:Oklahoma Get Together... A Date Has Been Set!



Look at it this way, it will be less competition for you guys, some of you actually stand a chance at getting 1st place in the shoot now!!

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So is dogdoc,jeramie,roadkill,

You guys better not under estimate me? Im pretty good shooter!

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Re:Oklahoma Get Together... A Date Has Been Set!

Let The Smack Games Begin... grin.gif

Gator did you want to use my little girls (Lauri) bow again for the shoot...

You know last year you had a real hard time pulling back that 12lb. bow, but if you want I can crank it up to 15lbs. for ya...LOL...

Or better yet maybe I ought to have her shoot with ya so you can learn something...LMBO... grin.gif

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Re:Oklahoma Get Together... A Date Has Been Set!


Let The Smack Games Begin... grin.gif

Gator did you want to use my little girls (Lauri) bow again for the shoot...

You know last year you had a real hard time pulling back that 12lb. bow, but if you want I can crank it up to 15lbs. for ya...LOL...

Or better yet maybe I ought to have her shoot with ya so you can learn something...LMBO... grin.gif

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HAHA, I whooped everyone with it though, didn't I? Sorry, don't need it this year, looks like I ain't gonna make it, gonna have visitors in town

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Re:Oklahoma Get Together... A Date Has Been Set!

LMBO! I can already see this thread going downhill!.... grin.gif


HAHA, I whooped everyone with it though, didn't I? Sorry, don't need it this year, looks like I ain't gonna make it, gonna have visitors in town

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Dude that stinks! Seriously.... I was already all excited about seeing EVERYONE again this year....

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Re: 2005 Oklahoma Get Together...



i WANT GATOR THERE! PLEASE??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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Look dude, My mom is probably coming that weekend, and is gonna be here for at least 2 weeks, so don't plan this around me.

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Re: 2005 Oklahoma Get Together...




i WANT GATOR THERE! PLEASE??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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Look dude, My mom is probably coming that weekend, and is gonna be here for at least 2 weeks, so don't plan this around me.

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