Changes coming soon?


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I received an email from the Illinois DNR...looks like non-residents won't be able to purchase doe tags this year. I understand Illinois is also conducting a survey so hunters can voice their opinion on bag limits for archery hunters. Sounds like they want to reduce hunter harvest there. Certainly understandable after the EHD die offs they had the past 2 years.

Made me wonder...what potential changes do other states face this coming season or in the near future?

Mississippi doesn't appear to be making any material changes this year. They made a LOT in the past couple of years though to attempt to increase deer harvest. How...well for 1 allowing the use of your weapon of choice on private lands during the Dec. & Jan. primitive weapons seasons. Why even call it a PW season then? Because you still have to buy the PW license...$$$! I wasn't in favor of that change but it's done. The early Nov. antlerless only primitive weapons season is not that way. That early PW season cut into the early archery season. Crossbows were made legal in MS last year too.

As for Missouri...there doesn't appear to be any material changes this year. Like last year, gun season hunters will be limited to 1 doe tag during the gun season. However, for 2016 they sure are looking at making some changes! These changes are: 1) Reduce the length of the gun season from 11 days to 9 days (dropping the Monday & Tuesday after the 2nd weekend). 2) Reduce the anterless deer season to 3 days. 3) Legalize crossbows during bow season. 4) Reduce archery season buck tags from 2 to 1.

The only change in MO I'm opposed to is the reduction in buck tags during archery season from 2 to 1. Why? Under the current rules you can only fill 1 of your 2 archery buck tags prior to the gun season anyway. That's the best time frame to archery hunt since the 1st archery season ends when the ruts cranked up. During the 11 day gun season everyone is hunting on their gun season buck tag regardless of what weapon they use. After the gun season is over your 2nd archery buck tag (or both if 1st buck tag was not filled) is legal to fill. The late archery season is obviously a much lower chance of success on legal bucks. Last time I could find the numbers only 19 total licensed hunters killed 3 bucks during the year (archery & gun seasons combined). Archery hunters don't make much of an impact to the buck herd, especially during the late season. Last year archery hunters accounted for ~20% of the total buck kill. The other 80% of the bucks were taken by gun hunters during the 11 day gun season. If they are concerned about falling deer numbers why will archery hunters still be allowed unlimited doe tags at $25/tag? Doesn't make sense to me. Probably more of a $$$ thing since many archery doe tags don't get filled. Just my $0.02 about that change.

Anyway...any changes on the horizon in your home state?

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I copied this below from an email i received: [TABLE=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_yiv0753316944columns-container]


[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_yiv0753316944force-col] [TABLE=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_yiv0753316944col-3, align: left]



The Tennessee Fish & Wildlife Commission will meet in April to set deer hunting season dates and bag limits for 2015-16. We’ve received great feedback from hunters, and want to be sure your voice is heard.

The public comment period has been extended to Friday, March 20. Please click here to send your comments.

The TWRA and the hunters of Tennessee have long held the belief that bag limits should be kept as liberal as possible without negatively impacting the resource.

We have been receiving numerous comments to reduce the buck bag limits, even though the biological data and hunter surveys do not support the need. Tell us what you think about reducing your buck bag limit, along with any other thoughts on the deer season. [TABLE=align: center]


[TD=width: 140, bgcolor: #ea4e15, align: center]Send Comments[/TD]







[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_yiv0753316944force-col] [TABLE=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_yiv0753316944col-3, align: left]



Our statewide white-tailed deer herd is healthy and strong, and hunter feedback is critical to the season-setting process. The Agency is focused on providing the best and most hunting opportunity possible. Consider these points as you develop your opinions:

- In recent surveys, 9 out of 10 hunters believe we should keep limits as liberal as possible while protecting the resource. When given the choice of buck limits, the largest segment of hunters chose three.

- Less than 1.5 percent of hunters killed three bucks last year, and less than 3 percent took three does.

- Data collected by agency personnel show that two thirds of the bucks harvested in Tennessee are at least two and a half years old, and 20 percent are three and a half or older.

- Harvest data indicates that our buck herd age structure is the same as one-buck states, while Tennessee offers a much longer season than most.

- Given the cost of hunting licenses, gear and other expenses, do you support a reduction in limits if the biology doesn't indicate the need?

- TWRA is considering the development more distinct big game units for better and more localized management. Do you support this approach? [TABLE=align: center]








[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_yiv0753316944force-col] [TABLE=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_yiv0753316944col-3, align: right]



Hunter harvest is important to the management of our deer herd, as does hunter preference. A vocal group of deer hunters is advocating for a reduction in the buck limit.

From a biological standpoint, we want to encourage deer harvest, and the data indicates that very few people are actually taking three bucks per year. However, our mission is to be responsive to hunter feedback, and your opinions matter!

Click here to submit your comments.

Thank you for supporting wildlife in Tennessee – without you, our work would not be possible.

Tennessee hunting and fishing licenses expired on February 28, but you have an opportunity to renew now at current prices. The proposed increase is scheduled to go into effect on July 1. Click here to renew your license today![/TD]






Dunno Al, up for consideration was the proposed 2 buck statewide limit. I replied to the above email as well as replied to the emailing I got again in May asking for public comments. I don't think they like or appreciate my candor. My biggest question/concern to the state folks setting the regs was that they are using flawed data if they truly believe age class in this state rivals those states with one buck limits. Another key point was why if only 1.5 percent of hunters are killing their 3 buck limit do we continue to have a 3 buck limit. Same with the liberal doe limits, why if less than 3 percent are killing 3 does in a season is there any reason to allow for 3 does a day in liberal zones. I made the suggestion that the state needs to better manage areas that are being negatively impacted by the liberal limits. Allowing 3 does a day in places with densities less than 15 deer per sq mile is just poor management, yet it continues.

I made my suggestions once again. We will soon see.

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I'm kinda out of the loop here in MN.

We don't usually know what changes were made till August 1st.

I did respond to a questionaire a few months back - was selected at random. A lot of questions about the relative inportance of deer numbers vs bigger deer, satisfaction with current management practices, multiple choice questions about overall hunting satisfaction, etc, etc.

Our numbers were way down again last year from two pretty tough winters so in our area only 300 doe permits were given out for over 5000 hunters.

Also from the overabundance of wolves. Their population is way up. But the bunny huggers have a lot of political clout so thinning the packs has run into a lot of determined opposition.

There have been two years of limited wolf trapping/hunting but trappers have had to go Very low profile because of all the death threats, etc they've recieved.

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Illinois had to do something to try and improve the deer herd. Going back through my journals I have been seeing about 1/2 of the deer I was seeing 6 or 7 years ago on the farm that i hunt. These changes being made by the new director are a start, but I'm not sure these proposals will benefit the herd too much. IMO the late antlerless seasons we have in January have had the biggest impact on the reduction of deer numbers, along with EHD of course.

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My biggest question/concern to the state folks setting the regs was that they are using flawed data if they truly believe age class in this state rivals those states with one buck limits.

Could be more like incomplete data William. I haven't hunted in a 1 buck limit state but states I've hunted that required reporting generally group bucks in 2.5 year old or older or 3.5 year old or older based on whatever they use as a criteria for reporting the harvest. Here in MS, if you elect to participate in the state's DMAP program you send them a jawbone from each deer harvested for aging. Best way I know to get detailed age structure.

Another key point was why if only 1.5 percent of hunters are killing their 3 buck limit do we continue to have a 3 buck limit. Same with the liberal doe limits' date=' why if less than 3 percent are killing 3 does in a season is there any reason to allow for 3 does a day in liberal zones.[/quote']

Just my $0.02 but it's...$$$. As for buck limits, as long as a hunter has a buck tag left chances are that hunter will continue to go hunt. Many hunters have to travel to where they hunt and many are in rural areas. I know some businesses close to where I hunt in MS rely on hunting season business. If they didn't have it they wouldn't stay open. Now... a 3 does/day limit sounds pretty crazy. Especially with their "things to consider comment" talking about the development of big game units for more localized management. That indicates it's been state wide doe management.

I can relate to what Mudrunner said. When I used to hunt Iowa every chance I could get in the early to mid 2000's, it was like the hunting TV shows. If the weather was right around the rut there was a lot of action. Made it easy to stay on stand all day. Aggressive increases in doe harvest changed that there. Then more recently the EHD die off issues. According to friends I know that live and hunt there, deer sightings are 25% to 50% of what they were back in the mid 2000's (depending on the area). Trail cams also indicate a big decline in numbers of mature bucks caught on cams too.

Edited by Rhino
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Could be more like incomplete data William. I haven't hunted in a 1 buck limit state but states I've hunted that required reporting generally group bucks in 2.5 year old or older or 3.5 year old or older based on whatever they use as a criteria for reporting the harvest. Here in MS, if you elect to participate in the state's DMAP program you send them a jawbone from each deer harvested for aging. Best way I know to get detailed age structure.

I don't know Al. Year after year I review the data the state puts out. I cannot for the life of me see where they arrive with the above assumptions that the age structure here is what they suggest. The states data does not support their claims. About all I can figure is they use antler point numbers for their "data", why I think it is flawed if that is the case.

Just my $0.02 but it's...$$$. As for buck limits' date=' as long as a hunter has a buck tag left chances are that hunter will continue to go hunt. Many hunters have to travel to where they hunt and many are in rural areas. I know some businesses close to where I hunt in MS rely on hunting season business. If they didn't have it they wouldn't stay open. Now... a 3 does/day limit sounds pretty crazy. Especially with their "things to consider comment" talking about the development of big game units for more localized management. That indicates it's been state wide doe management.[/quote']

May be money, but maybe not all of it. You have to realize you get 3 bucks regardless, without paying any additional fees for tags. You pay additional for the type weapon you will use.

The 3 doe/antlerless a day limit was not mentioned as being up for discussion, I keep bringing it up year after year. Like I said, what is the point in having a liberal limit that allows 3 antlerless a day if less than 3 percent of hunters are taking 3 total does for the entire run of seasons? Makes absolutely no sense at all. There has been a mention a couple times now about the doe limits though, the state seemingly attempting to justify the rationale behind keeping with it, but not giving any indication they are considering making changes. To take advantage of being able to take does with rifle you pay one supplemental fee called a type 94. It was $28 last year, take one or take 3 a day and pay nothing more. You don't have to have that supplemental license to take antlerless with archery or muzzleloader.

I guess a bright side is that they finally entertained the idea that it was "up for consideration" to change to a 2 buck limit, maybe they will get enough people besides myself questioning the doe management to see some changes there. We usually start seeing our new handbooks in sporting goods stores at the end of July, I will be watching to see, will also keep a watch on the state site.

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I will go a step further and will flat argue that there is no way that 20 percent of the bucks killed statewide are 3.5 years old and older. That would mean one in every five hunters that kills a buck is not only seeing but is killing a 3.5 year old or older buck, I simply don't believe it. I would argue that the overwhelming majority of hunters go several seasons with never even seeing a buck beyond 2.5. That statement they put out says from data they collected, but does not say where or how specific that data is.

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Since I've never deer hunted in TN William it sounds like buck reporting there is similar to MO's telecheck system. Under the MO system the only information reported that relates to the particular traits of a harvested buck is the number of points. As we all know, that's not any indication of age. If that's what they're using to compare...yep...very much flawed data. I've got a number of 10 point bucks on trail cams last year in MO I know are only 2.5. I had a 1.5 year old buck before that was a little basket rack 10. I have one exceptional 2.5 year old buck with 13 points on his head last year. No doubt at all he's only 2.5.

MS is the only state I'm aware of that has some reliable age structure data. It's all do to voluntary DMAP participation. Send in jaw bones with antler mass, beam length, & inside spread data along with the buck's weight noted on the jawbone tag. MS does not have a mandatory check in system & doesn't require tagging either. Still behind the times there.

Understand your frustration William. I know where I saw the numbers where a few years ago only 19 licensed hunters in MO killed 3 bucks (archery & gun combined) out of all licensed hunters, resident & non-resident combined. That information was removed from their web site.'s detrimental information for what they are proposing to do. By limiting the timing of the use of MO buck tags, they are already limiting the ability to fill them. We (being the few of us that hunt our MO property) have never killed a buck after the November gun season. Been going to hunt anyway. Won't bother in the future if we can only kill an unlimited number of does hunting the late archery season. Defeats the purpose of MO's biggest stated concerns about declining deer numbers anyway.

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Tennessee used to be that you had to physically take your deer to a check station. Back in those days you had some check stations that the person checking in the deer would physically look at it and some would just ask you buck or doe and number of points. Everything was hand written and recorded and there was a LOT of errors. You still have to check your deer here, but since internet checking became an option you no longer have to take them to a check station to check them in. When I check in a deer here I enter the number of points and that is it, would be great if they did give an option to give more information but they don't. Some special hunts like arsenal grounds and some wma's from my understanding you have to let their personnel check the deer, could be some of the data could be coming from those deer. Of all the times in the 20 plus years I have been hunting here I can recall only once that I saw a state person at a check station while I was there. The game wardens do have to check the stations from time to time, but they are not there checking jawbones. I have a lot of respect for the warden in our county, but don't think he is any more an authority on checking a jawbone than I am.

Yeah, I have seen 8 points that were only 1.5 and I have seen 4.5 year old 6 points, antler points are most certainly NOT an accurate way to age deer.

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This is from last year from the states harvest report [TABLE=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listTable]


[TD=colspan: 9]** Bucks **[/TD]


[TR=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listHead, bgcolor: #0B1E79]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_colhead, width: 5%]Age[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_colhead, width: 5%]Number[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_colhead, width: 5%]Percent[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_colhead, width: 5%]Avg. Points[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_colhead, width: 5%]Avg. Beam Circum[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_colhead, width: 5%]Avg. Beam Length[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_colhead, width: 5%]Avg. Outside Spread[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_colhead, width: 5%]Avg. Live Weight[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_colhead, width: 5%]Spikes[/TD]



[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]No Age[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]92422[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]0.00[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]0.00[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]0.00[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]0.00[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]0.00[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]0.00[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]0.00[/TD]



[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]Fawn[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]188[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]0.00[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]0.00[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]0.00[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]0.00[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]0.00[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]0.00[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]0.00[/TD]



[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]1 1/2[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]1061[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]36.84[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]3.66[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]2.22[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]8.66[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]7.71[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]106.88[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]36.95[/TD]



[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]2 1/2[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]1262[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]43.82[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]6.86[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]3.16[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]14.80[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]13.15[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]137.21[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]2.14[/TD]



[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]3 1/2[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]434[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]15.07[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]8.15[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]3.77[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]17.84[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]15.53[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]156.89[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]0.46[/TD]



[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]4 1/2[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]98[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]3.40[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]8.52[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]4.12[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]18.98[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]16.48[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]169.57[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]1.02[/TD]



[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]5 1/2[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]25[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]0.87[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]9.04[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]4.48[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]19.16[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]17.72[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]182.60[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]0.00[/TD]



[TD=align: center]Total[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]95490[/TD]

[TD=colspan: 7] [/TD]



[TABLE=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listTable]


[TD=colspan: 9]** Does **[/TD]


[TR=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listHead, bgcolor: #0B1E79]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_colhead, width: 5%]Age[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_colhead, width: 5%]Number[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_colhead, width: 5%]Percent[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_colhead, width: 5%]Avg. Live Weight[/TD]



[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]No Age[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]68250[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]0.00[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]0.00[/TD]



[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]Fawn[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]163[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]0.00[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]0.00[/TD]



[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]1 1/2[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]331[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]32.84[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]90.54[/TD]



[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]2 1/2[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]382[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]37.90[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]98.32[/TD]



[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]3 1/2[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]157[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]15.58[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]109.14[/TD]



[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]4 1/2[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]76[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]7.54[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]99.32[/TD]



[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]5 1/2[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]62[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]6.15[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]104.12[/TD]



[TD=align: center]Total[/TD]

[TD=class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_listdata, align: center]69421[/TD]

[TD=colspan: 7] [/TD]



They did get ages for 16 bucks(all 1.5 and 2.5 yo's) of a little over 1000 bucks killed in the county I hunt. Again, don't know where exactly this sampling is coming from, but yeah of 95490 animals they had ages for about 3000, that's what 3 percent? Seems to me to be a pretty big jump to arrive at publicly publishing what they are putting out.

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The 2 buck limit here was passed, seems a step in the right direction to me. Supposedly the biggest complaint's from "meat hunters", this will "end seasons early" for some. Makes no sense since does can still be taken.

Will keep on giving my input to them on the doe limits based on what we see.

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  • 2 months later...
What are your thoughts on the reg change in regards to baiting in Ms' date=' Al?[/quote']

To be honest William...I recently heard about it but I haven't read about the change yet. I need to read it so I know 1st hand. Been too focused on getting ready to hunt in both Missouri and MS. Just got back home from my last preseason prep trip to MO last night. Heading back there next Friday to start bowhunting. it William...the only change I see to the prior regs was the elimination of stating what type of feed can be used during specific dates. Feeding with above ground & covered feeders (gravity flow & spin feeders) is still limited to the feeder being at least 100 yards from where a hunter is hunting and not within line of sight (meaning being hidden from view by natural vegetation or topography).

I feel about the same as I did previously when they passed it the 1st time. They don't have the manpower to enforce the rule on private land so why legalize it in the 1st place with limitations. I'm personally not in favor of baiting during open deer seasons here. MS has wild hog problems & baiting brings in hogs that causes a lot of damage. I don't even put bait in front of trail cameras, which also requires a permit that's free.

Edited by Rhino
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NY DEC has got some changes in a holding pattern and hushed. we have three seasons in the southern half of the state (not the Adirondacks); early archery, regular gun, and late bow/muzzleloader. They just implemented one change this year. In some management units that are said to be well over populated, they made first half of early archery and all of late muzzleloader seasons doe only. our early archery ends into the stages of the rut and late season is post rut in Dec. they've gotten pending new buck management zones in which they intend to implement some sort of a restriction possibly. some of their implementation assumed outcome is in question. also the system is based on lots of input not hunter or deer related which monkeys with the assessment of are their too many, too few, or just enough deer as well as what's been taken too much, too little, or just right.

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