What shift do you hate the most???


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Sitting here waiting for my shift to end and thought I would ask you guys what shift you hate the most.....I work 12 shift work. For the most part I love it but this weekend of days is the worst. I know some night shift can be long and hard but these days (Fri,sat,sun) 7:30am to 7:30pm suck! I leave home at 6am and return at 9pm. Long days and miss some very good family time. As the weather gets nicer and there is more going on on the weekends its hard to be here.....so what shift do you hate the most???

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only shift work I did was on a logging job..8 hours on 8 hours off..your time got all screwed up,(so did your body clock), but did we put out the wood!!

It was a private sale and the guy had a real nice cabin we bunked at, right in the middle of the job. Actually Im working just south of that place now.

Edited by Mathews XT Man
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I think the afternoon, 3-11, shift was the worst. I remember it as just waiting to go to work, knowing that if you started anything else you would have to stop and head out for work. The 6pm to 2am shift is just as bad. Many years ago, another lifetime it seems, working for Ford Motor Company we had mandatory six day weeks with 10 hour days and every shift was bad as you spent your one day off trying to recover just so you could do it over again.

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I did some shift work when i lived in Minnesota occasionally. I never could get used to it, but the shift differential pay was nice. Third shift was the worst for me....I think it was 10-7. Overtime made it even worse. That was before I had a family. I don't think I could handle it now.

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I`ve been working 12 hr shift work for 11 years. Four on, four off. Two days then two nights. This rotates every six weeks. I like it especially when it comes to taking holidays as you can book four off and it actually works out to 12 days off. We do not like working days in the middle of the week as all the big wigs are around and they can be a pain.


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