Trail Cameras Helping me Figure Out Deer Movement for Late Bow Season.


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So glad I bought the two other trail cameras. This doe, not far off my land in Illinois, was evading me for soooo long. I put the trail cameras on city property to see how they were moving and I was totally off. Along the hill on my side, close to a baseball field they had been sneaking just past the easy opening to my plot.

Bow-hunting only on my land; so as long as they come in for my winter wheat to refuel, I may be looking at some decent does for the freezer in December. I patterned a few does in July and waited last night to see if I could get a could shot with my phone camera. This doe, I followed her for 15 minutes, could not have cared less that I was walking parallel along with her while I had my girlfriend's dog on leash. Really amazing! I wish I had a better camera on my phone.. lol. 82 degrees with 20mpg winds, @ 7:20pm.

Wondering what the lights are? Very close to the town baseball fields (hence the bow-only hunting), which is why this doe was not at all skittish about seeing me.




Edited by Stinger-Hunter
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