Let's meet up Oct 2017


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http://www.altitudeoutdoors.com/over...y-mike-duplan/ Here is an excellent article by Mike Duplan, "Over the Counter in Colorado." A detailed article for the newbie or veteran hunter of the 92 Units in Colorado that have OTC tags for elk hunting. Perhaps this will allow folks to better decide where they might choose to hunt elk in 2016 with their OTC tags, and 2017 for the Realtree gathering. Long read... but excellent information. Grab your Colo Unit map and follow along in the read to see their location. Respectfully submitted, Hungry Horse Edited by Hungry Horse
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  • 4 weeks later...

Charlie: Here is hunt statistics for Unit 81 2012 - 2015 I believe you meant unit 81 not Unit 80, perhaps the tag is the same, Archery season though 4th rifle season hunt kills and % hunter success.


respectfully submitted by Hungry Horse

Time is ticking away folks, hunt & camping sugestions for the 2017 Realtree gathering requeted. If you choose a hunt location in Oct 2016 perhaps some Colo folks could hunt it and see the terrain and have a much better feel for the 2017 hunt gathering. Just saying seems to make sense to me. : )

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Charlie: Here is Unit 80 hunt statistic archery through 4th rifle: number of hunt kills and % hunter success for each season Both Unit 80 and Unit 81 are OTC tags 2nd and 3rd rifle season for bulls. Submitted by Hungry Horse. Opps looks like I missed the link I will find it again.


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Charlie another alpine lake campground Lake Irwin 5 mile west of Crested Butte on Kebler Pass Rd. This will put you in Unit 55 the northwest corner, and Unit 521 and unit 53 as you drive farther west on Kebler Pass Rd Cr 12. The directions to get to the campground are in the link. Reservations required, 32 campsites.


Respectfully submitted by Hungry Horse

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good read from Colorado Outdoors on the 2016 elk and deer hunting forecast.


submitted by Hungry Horse

tick tock..... time is slipping away for 2017 suggestions of the Realtree gathering in 2017 Come on folks, please offer suggestions for hunt locations and campsites.

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  • 3 months later...
On ‎1‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 2:45 PM, stevebeilgard said:

is this hunt going to happen?  i haven't seen a bunch of eagerness. what i can say is that past hunts have been pretty great.  i'm still trying to make it, but need to know where & when.  coming from alaska takes a bit of preparation.

Steve:  Hi !   sent you a PM.  The lack of response  is sure a deal killer  for this gathering in 2017.  In all the information I have posted on this thread and potential gathering in 2017...  there was not 1  reply on a positive note.  I will not be a participant in 2017.  I wish you all good luck if it ever all comes together.  Respectfully submitted  1-28-17  Hungry Horse    

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this will be interesting to see how many folks are interested.  i, for one, have a good chance of going. past trips have been great. i won't be hunting as i live in alaska and have all the deer, elk, moose, crab, shrimp, halibut, salmon,    well, you got the idea. no sense in getting an elk. besides, i know where i can go on any given day and get a 6 x 6 or larger elk. most old timers here have seen the pictures.  but, i'll be there god willing. i might even have to tag along with some unfortunate soul....

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Nice  post  Steve... I am surprised  you will not be hunting,   just looking for the camping experience,  memories,  and friendship  in the lower 48.   But in all honesty, after a few elk killed... that is the best part of a hunt with friends... the friendship and memories.  Good Luck...  hope it all comes together.    

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Jeff,  Steve,   Charlie,   and  Realtree folks:     Here is a 5  page thread from 24hour Campfire's elk section. The original poster  is looking for recommendations for a drop camp, a situation similar  to what I see taking place here with the Realtree gathering for 2017, only being done through the membership here..  The folks contributing to the thread are some of the "elk gurus on 24 hour Campfire web site" .  I am suggesting this be read  by those who might consider taking a leadership role in selecting a base camp  for the 2017 elk gathering... if it does get organized.  Places that may have been a  good  location in past years,   does not guarantee a successful hunt this year.   This is why I have suggested a knowledgeable Colo resident  to take on this leadership role,  one who has hunted regularly in Colo,  and has scouted the hunt area over a few years, knowing the elk movements  and  the quality of good elk habitat  there in the chosen hunt  area. 

When and if this all comes together...  I hope all that is shared in this 5 page thread has been considered,  so the Realtree hunt is more than a camping experience and a walk in the woods,  and some elk are killed.  

There is another very long thread started on the elk section of  www.24hourcampfire.com/forums  discussing the best Colo elk hunt units.  It was started in 2008  and then picked up again in 2017, in that thread... the poster has 2 Pref  points and is asking what unit would be a better elk hunting unit that he can hunt with 2 Pref points .  It is a good read !    There is a lot to learn about elk hunting in Colorado. http://www.24hourcampfire.com/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php/topics/3212776/all/Best_Colorado_Elk_Unit        

Please enjoy these threads.  Respectfully submitted ...Hungry Horse Richard Thomas   Please also see the article threads posted earlier in this thread by myself (Hungry Horse)  on Colo elk hunting units and success.in 2016.   HH

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On ‎2‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 10:27 AM, stevebeilgard said:

this will be interesting to see how many folks are interested.  i, for one, have a good chance of going. past trips have been great. i won't be hunting as i live in alaska and have all the deer, elk, moose, crab, shrimp, halibut, salmon,    well, you got the idea. no sense in getting an elk. besides, i know where i can go on any given day and get a 6 x 6 or larger elk. most old timers here have seen the pictures.  but, i'll be there god willing. i might even have to tag along with some unfortunate soul....

after seeing a COlo DOW facebook post today my wife and I discussed taking a trip to Crawford State Park lake for looksee when winter is over. Son and family will be living here after next week and his wife has never gone camping anywhere. So we'll see how that works out once spring has sprung and the grass is ris. I think its  unit 53, 63, or 521. OTC. Some time back Hungry Horse mentioned a couple places near some lakes in that same area that might be a good meetup place as lots of room to camp.

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13 hours ago, silvertip_co said:

after seeing a COlo DOW facebook post today my wife and I discussed taking a trip to Crawford State Park lake for looksee when winter is over. Son and family will be living here after next week and his wife has never gone camping anywhere. So we'll see how that works out once spring has sprung and the grass is ris. I think its  unit 53, 63, or 521. OTC. Some time back Hungry Horse mentioned a couple places near some lakes in that same area that might be a good meetup place as lots of room to camp.


   Realtree tree  folks  here is a detailed description  of Crawford State Park.  It is I mile  south of Crawford on Hwy 92 on the right,  putting it in Unit 63.  Unit 63  is a OTC unit  for 2nd and 3rd rifle season antlered elk, and with cow elk available  through the DRAW.  Hwy 92 is the dividing line  for Unit 53 and Unit 63.    Unit 53  has the same BULL  tags for the 2nd and 3rd season and DRAW tags for Cow elk 2nd and 3rd season.  Be careful...  some COW tags are for Private land only  Unit 53  and 63 and Unit 521.   This area is approx  15  miles  from  the Unit 53  area I had suggested. There is a fair amount  of private land  in Unit 63.  Your  OTC Bull tags will be allowed in Unit 53 63 521 55... close by units in 2nd season.   In 3rd season,  the allowable units for Bull tags are Units 53 63 521 54 55 all close by units. Check  the Colo regs   for other units available  for OTC  BULL tags, there are many.     **** All deer tags are draw requiring many Pref Points.  

See the details available  for Crawford State park and the number of places available.  Reservations are required !  Water is availbale in all places.  I have never been here,  it looks nice, but is a fair drive form some of the West Elk  Wilderness area in Unit 53  and Unit 54.  

April 4th 2017  I believe is the DRAW  deadline.

I had suggested Lake Irwin on Cr 12,  Lost Lake Campground on Cr 12,   and Beaver Reservior  at the base of Mt Gunnison.   All places require reservations,  except Beaver Reservior.   I am not certain Beaver Reservoir  is an acceptable campsite  as of  know.  I need to do more checking.   I will not  be a participant  at the Realtree gathering.    Respectfully submitted and for your information,  Hungry Horse.      


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Here is a youtube.com  video showing a drive from outside Carbondale to the end of Paonia Reservoir on Rt 133.  I think it is mis labeled. Perhaps  other episodes will take you into Gunnison.  At 8.10  or slightly before  you see Chair Mtn and the turn off to Marble  at Cr 3, as well as the climb to Mc Clure Pass.   At 14.28  you see the end of Paonia reservoir I believe,   and the  west entrance  to Kebler Pass I believe.  It is a beautiful drive along Rt 133 and the Crystal River down to the western entrance to Kebler Pass.  Silvertip's destination of Crawford State Park is another 20 miles or so.  HH      

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The above video,  the 2nd video,  ends at the western entrance to Kebler Pass  Cr 12 ,  just  beyond  Paonia Reservior.   Erickson Springs campground is a short distance  down this road,   and 34  miles later,  the Kebler Pass Rd will end up in Crested Butte Colo.  Lost lake Campground  and Lake Irwin campground is on Kebler Pass Rd way before  Crested Butte.     HH

In the above video,  1 st  video,  at 8.07,  you will  see a mountain,   it is Raspberry Mtn not Chair  Mtn,    and the valley  in front of it will lead  you to the town of Marble Colo  on Cr 3.  HH

The town of  Somerset, Bowie, Paonia, Hotchkiss  is further down Rt 133.   At the intersection of Rt 133 and Rt 92,  you will get on Rt 92  to the town of  Crawford,  1 miles south of Crawford,  is Crawford State park.   HH     

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Here is a video  of  the lower Ohio Pass Rd that in 18 miles or so will lead to a switch back up to Kebler Pass Rd.  The mountain  range to the left  is the Anthracite  range,  beyond it is the West Elk Wilderness.  Much of this land is dude ranches and multi million dollar ranches.  Many  of the ranches are NOT  available  for leases  to hunt.   The local elk herds escape  to these ranches for protection from the hunters.  Most folks  go up the valley  to access points into the West Elk Wilderness.  This is Unit 54.  The eastern  boundary begins on  Rt 135 for Unit 54.  HH










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