Let's meet up Oct 2017


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  Dawg:  Thanks  for the reply,  glad it worked  for  you.  East coast folks costs will be more,  and  if  you draw Non Res deer as well as elk tags,  it is even more.   I feel they are cutting some involved cost in the article... but  perhaps not...  if  you do it all their way.   HH  

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Perhaps  as the year enters spring  and folks get out to scout, more activity  make comes to this thread.  The original thought was a OTC  Unit,  so there is still time  for a decision,  and a gathering  of folks  who enjoy  elk hunting in Colorado may come . Tags for OTC Units  can be bought much later.  In this thread  silvertip_co  has added links  to buy  your tags,  and a link to receive a Colo hunting  regulation booklet.  They seem to be slow  with the delivery, as I am still awaiting mine  for 2017.  Just scroll back  to find his thread with the links.  HH    

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Here is a video off RT 133  showing  side road action,   here he  calls them detours.   I  like D,  Cr 3   that  he takes towards  the Marble  Quarry I believe.  The area surrounding the town of  Marble is  Unit 43 I  believe,  and the Ragged Wilderness area once  you get  high and  back in there aways.   If  you go  into Marble past the small lake,   and take  the 4x4  Rd  to Crystal Mills,   you will be in the Lead King Basin area,   that is a beautiful area.   I believe the route D  taken...just misses the town of Marble  and goes  toward  the Marble Quarry.  If  I remember  correctly,  there is a state campground  right at the beginning of  Cr # 3  off Rt 133.   It is pretty  nice.   This is  right before  McClure Pass  and several miles before Kebler Pass Cr 12  in Unit 53  Unit 521  and Unit 54  by Ohio Pass.   Pretty  country.   Route C  up  Coal creek  looks  nice also, I see  lots of horse trailer rigs on that road.     HH         

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In the above video... At 20:00...  perhaps before,  he shows the small town  of Marble and at  20:54  he shows the small lake.  The somewhat dangerous 4x4 Rd  starts right past the lake to Crystall Mills,   and eventually to the well know and dangerous 4x4  road...  Scholfield Pass, then Gothic,  and finally Crested Butte.   HH    

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 Here is  the most  significant page  of the West Elk Wilderness from  www.summitpost.org/ .  I am suggesting a hunt from Mt  Gunnison area  near Beaver Reservior side into the West Elk Wilderness  using Trail 870  as a starting point.  The blue  links  on the left side of the page  and in the article will give  you significant mountain locations  in the area.  This will be Unit 53.  As  you go deep into the Wilderness  you will enter Unit 54  way deep  inside the Wilderness area.   Watch jjlovich's  video  to see  the interior  of Unit 53.  It is listed in this thread on Pg 3.  Remember  this is designated Wilderness  so foot &  horse travel only...  NO  Quad  use.  It is a long hike to access good hunts areas.  Learn  to use the summitpost.org/    page for information.    This will conclude  all I had  originally offered  you folks  in the beginning  of the thread  on Pg 1  where you see I deleted my entry.  I  am omitting known  "honey holes"  but,   I am suggesting  you listen carefully  to jjlovich's  video offered here.  Good Luck  and enjoy !   HH  

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Mt  Gunnison  from  Beaver Reservior.  Click  the link,  then again click the photo to enlarge.  This is the only photo I have found of  Beaver reservoir.  I am suggesting  this as a campsite if available.   It  will be a primitive camp area, versus a campground like Crawford  State  park,  which  would be more enjoyable,  but  farther away  from the hunting area. 

  I think I have offered about all I can offer from s/w Pa.   Good Luck !     It is time to do some scouting, and time to hear offerings  from other folks if you want this gathering in fall 2017.    HH   

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Mt  Owens and the Grand Dyke  as seen  from Horse Ranch meadows and Kebler Pass  CR 12.   This would be Unit 521 and one of the mountains in the Ruby Mtn Range.  Unit 53  would be across the Kebler Pass Rd.  Click the link,  them click the photo again  to enlarge.   HH   

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East Beckwith at  sunrise off  Kebler Pass Rd  and the Lost lake Campground view. There is a link to the Lost Lake  campground earlier in this thread, pg  1 or 2.    Lake Irwin Campground is closer  to Crested Butte off Kebler pass Rd CR 12,  there is also a link & video earlier in this thread.  Reservations are required at the campgrounds.   Good Luck.   HH  

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The view from Mt Gunnison summit looking East,  you see West Beckwith Mtn,   Mount Marcellina to the left  right off Kebler Pass Rd   and the Ragged Wilderness mountains on the distant far left.   West Beckwith Mtn would be in Unit 53,  but Mt Marcellina's  backside  would be in Unit 521  and the Ragged Wilderness mountains to the distant left  is in Unit 521  or  Unit 43.    Quite the view !   HH 

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Looking down the North slope  from the summit of East Beckwith Mtn,  Lost Lake and campground at it's base in the bottom,  Mt Owens and the Grand Dyke across the valley  and the Ruby Mtn range.  The Raggeds Wilderness on the distant far left.  Unit 521 and Unit 55 in the distance,   Unit 53 by  East Beckwith Mtn.  Crested Butte would be approx. 15 miles + in the distance in the far mountains.  HH  

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Ok folks... bear with me.  I found a very long 5 or 6 part video  that shows the whole length of Ohio Pass  up to  and including maybe 1/3  of Kebler Pass  heading west.  I made some notes,  each section  is around 11 min  long  some 14  some 9  or 10 min.  The video starts at Rt 135  out of Gunnison maybe 3-4 miles and turning onto Cr 730  Ohio Pass Rd, it is around 18 miles to Kebler Pass Rd.  The area along Ohio Pass Rd  is all in Unit 54.  You will see many ranches along the road. Some are guest ranches,  some are $1,000,000 beef cattle ranches. The video was filmed on a cloudy day... so the Anthracite range  and mountains  off Ohio Pass Rd  and Kebler pass Rd  are  not shown unfortunately.   In the 2nd film at 1:27 you will see a road to the left  which I believe is Mill Creek Rd  Cr 737  which will take  you past the Castles  and to the West Elk Wilderness trailhead,  one of them.  Perhaps  it is farther down the road  but looks very similar.  There are several  Trailheads  off Ohio Pass Rd  and Kebler Pass Rd.  I did this road in 2004,  they have made the switchbacks at the end of Ohio Pass Rd  much less severe and seemed to straighten the road.  It was a narrow switchback steep hill to climb before,  you needed a 4x4.  At 3:30 min  in the 4th segment  you are approaching  Kebler Pass Rd at the flashing warning light.  Turn right and go 5  miles and you end in Crested Butte Co.  The Lake Irwin campground is  to the right also,  a short distance and before Crested Butte.   Turn left as in the video  and you begin a 23 mile  drive along Kebler Pass Rd  to  Rt 133.   At  7:15  Kebler Pass Rd  becomes dirt.   At 8:55  you see elk running across  the road.   The Cr ??   to Lost Lake campground  is beyond where the video maker turns around.  I am sorry  the beauty of this road trip  is lost due  to clouds. When I traveled the road in Oct 2004  I saw at least 30 deer,  no  elk,  and a flock of turkeys.  I know  folks who have killed elk off  this road hiking back into the nearby hills.  Once  you are on Kebler Pass Rd, actually while on Ohio Pass Rd at the end, Unit 54 ends,  and Unit 53  begins on the left,   with Unit 521 on  the right.  During 2nd  and 3rd  rifle season  for bull elk,  all the Units are OTC.  Unit 53  will cross the Wilderness area to the left  and ends at  RT 92,  many miles away .  Please watch the videos, their will be a prompt to continue in a small window as a video ends,   just click it and continue to watch.  There are many videos on   www.youtube.com  that will show Ohio Pass on a sunny day.  This video is unique,   as it shows all of Ohio Pass Rd  well.   *** See the free range cattle on the road.   HH                    

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monday, feb 6, we head back to alaska (home) where there is still no internet. it is supposed to happen mid february (yea, right. lol) so maybe we'll actually get some where with the internet. anyway, i'll check weekly to see what's happening. and make plans to be there if possilbe

i just don't see the trip excitement of past years. hungry horse has put in some great input, but i don't see the member input or responses. is this trip going to happen???  or, maybe a future year? 

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Some more  photos  of the Castles,  rock outcroppings,  I have not seen before along the Mill  Creek  Rd CR 737.  Once  you get  back into Storm  Pass  you are in a good hunting area,  but  a long hike.  This would be Unit 54.    HH

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Here is a 6  min  video  3 miles east  of Gunnison, I am assuming  on RT 50,  from Big Game Forever  showing the hardship  on the local deer  and elk  in the area.  Just a heads up.  I heard  the weather is letting up  some,  but the deer are still struggling  with the concrete like snow,  the elk are doing better.  HH    ps  perhaps the Gunnison valley might  not  be a great pick this fall for deer and maybe  elk ! 

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ive got to have another knee replacement this year and they may work on my right hip too as i have one foot straight forward and one foot turning to the right. i think a future year would be better, but thats  just me. great research by HH as always. and i do think 81 is the better choice for a group meetup since its easier to get to by hwy from albaturkey or denver or durango for those that would fly in. 

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Charlie:  I am sorry  to hear  of  your upcoming  surgeries,  and I wish  you well and a  full recovery.  With Charlie out due to surgery & recovery,   Jeff  in Wyoming   with his old boss,  cow elk hunting, and his son getting married in Oct,   Steve in Ak,  and having the expenses of flying back,  and a seeming lack of Realtree members interest,  I think  this thread  should  die.  This year I cannot do the hunt financially, and bad winter weather in Gunnison on the herds  also complicates things.   With so little interest from members  and all the above, I think perhaps  this desire of a gathering   &  thread  should die until a better year.  

Gunnison does have an airport with service  from several major airline, 1 mile s/w  of Gunnison for Charlie's information,  but usually the short  hop  from Denver  to Gunnison  is not cheap.  Flying into Denver and renting a vehicle is a better proposition as you can enjoy the drive and countryside,  pretty scenic,  and you will have wheels to get around during the hunt.  It is a long  drive, 200 +  miles.  It is  best  if  you have time to drive out,   hunt,   and drive back  with your elk  meat on dry ice.  

From Denver, taking I-70  west to Minturn,  then getting on Rt 24  S  to Leadville,  Buena Vista and finally Salida  will take  you past the Collegiate range, and then getting on Rt 50 at  Salida  to Gunnison and then Rt 135  to Crested Butte,  turn left and get on Kebler Pass Rd Cr 12,   or Rt 50 to Gunnison  then Rt  135 to Cr 730, a few miles out of Gunnison approx.  3 miles  to Ohio Pass Rd Cr 730,  then up  to Kebler Pass Rd Cr 12.  That is the scenic route.  Turn right to go to Lake Irwin Campground.  Turn left to go to Lost Lake campground.      Or from Denver  take I- 70 west to Glenwood Springs, get on Rt 82  to Carbondale and take RT 133 south  to Paonia reservoir then Kebler Pass Rd Cr 12 on the west side,  or continue on RT 133 to Rt 92 south and see Crawford park campgrounds, 2 1/2 miles south of Crawford.   **** It all depends on which campsite  you select.   Lost Lake campground is on Kebler Pass Rd  Cr 12,  about 15 miles west of Crested Butte.   Lake Irwin campground is also on Kebler Pass Rd Cr 12,   and  5 miles west of Crested Butte. The  links  to those campgrounds are in the thread  on Pg 1 or 2.   There is also a campground called Erickson Springs  on the west  end  of Kebler Pass Rd  off Rt 133 a short distance.  I am not familiar  with that campground.  I believe  it is smaller  with less spots.  If  you choose Beaver Reservior as a campground  see the link to the post I offered in the thread on Mt Gunnison,  the directions  to Beaver reservoir are towards the bottom  of that page.   If  you want motels hotels condos see Crested Butte  or  Gunnison.  I have stayed in the Super 8 at Gunnison.  It is crowded in hunting season, and a long drive to the hunt area on the north side  of the West Elk Wilderness area.   Not all that far if  you use the Rainbow Lake  trailhead  see Fr 724  off Rt 50  west  of Gunnison on the south side,  Fr 724 is a  more difficult road  to Rainbow lake trailhead.   There are also campgrounds along the Blue Mesa reservior,  and a campground off Rt 50 onto Rt 92 a short distance  then onto Fr 721,  it is more primitive  but a good location to hunt the Soap Creek area  of the West Elk Wilderness,  in the southern portion  of the West Elk Wilderness.  It is a few miles on Fr 721, a   gravel road.    Yes  a lot of land  and a lot of locations  for Trailheads and access,   and this is not all of them,  but many of them  !  LOL      I will leave this up  for anyone who would  like to hunt the West Elk Wilderness.   It  has taken a long time  to  gather all this information.    HH  Richard

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