Trump stumping in Alabama

Ravin R10 man

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Not watched your clip yet Martin, maybe I can catch some excerpts on the news later this morning. jmho, Trump is a lesser of evils! Would I vote for him, probably if I have no other choice, but he is way down on my list. He is not a true conservative.

Not a trump fan for a mutltitde of reasons, he is a loose cannon and while he may be able to bring some good changes, don't really know if he would be able to accomplish what he would intend to do or what he says he will do. He has flip flopped on a LOT of issues. Sure I like what he has to say now, but who knows where his true motives lie. I also did not buy his change of heart story on abortion in the first presidential debate, whether he believes what he said or not he came off phony. On a positive note I do think we need serious change and I do think a non politician is a good thing, I just am not so sure he is the right non politician for the job.

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clip is food for thought, interesting how he is leading the way on the issues, watched him live last eve, he sure does fire up the crowd...very entertaining

my posting this does not indicate who I am backing by the way,

He sure isnrt afraid to speak his mind, and much less care what the P.C. police think..gotta like that

The other thing Will...ANYBODY is better than the TURD we got for the last two terms

Cripes, my 5 year old Grandson could do better if he was explained the options and had to decide.

Edited by Mathews XT Man
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