New Bowhunter in MO public. NEED HELP


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I'm a new bow hunter in MO. Also new to this site/forum. Last year I bow hunted at my old mans place with a 40$ bow from Craigslist. Mistake. I saw two does not in range after several hunts. I didn't get anything but a hard time from my wife. I had fun though. Which brings me to this year. I bought a new bow. It's not top of the line but it's a lot better than what I had. Shoots great. 300fps+. I'm hunting MO public Conservation area. I'm debating where to go. I'm looking at settles ford and amarugia near cass county. Settles ford is over an he away from me. Amarugia is closer but only by about 20 min. I haven't gone out to scout either area yet but I'm planning on doing that next week. Has anyone hunted these two places? I'm not planning to use a stand or a blind. I'll sit in a spot with natural cover or against a tree. I don't like standing in one place all day hoping I picked the right spot. I'd rather track and stalk and try to better my chances. Any suggestions from people would be appreciated.

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Welcome B-ran. I hunt IL and KY but not MO. Not sure you'll find many here that have hunted those locations. Public land bow hunting in the early season isn't too bad. Hunting public ground in November is generally frustrating due to all the hunters. I prefer stand hunting to still hunting. I've killed about 30 deer with a bow from a stand and zero while still hunting. A lot of people are very successful still hunting though. If you can purchase a camera - place it high in a tree out of reach and sight of others to deter theft and you'll get a better idea of how the deer move. In the early season (before Halloween) the last 3 hours of light seem to be the best to hunt. Good luck with the wife.

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Thanks guys. Found some good spots last week to try out on opening day. We will see how it goes. I saw several fresh tracks after the rain when I was there one of which is on a pond on the open with trees and brush near by. They were fawn tracks so I'm considering setting up on a trail I saw with larger tracks.

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