Waterfowl opener


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It started Sept 1st. Not much around right now. No "early"seasons up here. Bad weather, either heat or severe lightning storms plus work still have me on hold for now. I have noticed after some scouting that a lot of the fields we have hunted are now producing beans....seems to be the money crop these days.


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Goose season opened yesterday here, legal shooting time is exactly 20 minutes from now so I may sneak out and tuck in along the fence in the field somewhere and see if I can drill a couple. I only have my single shot 20ga here right now. Sold my 3" Charles Daly 12ga wanting to upgrade to a 3 1/2" gun, but I haven't got one yet. And dad has my old wingmaster still that he used turkey hunting in the spring, so they'll have to be a little closer than normal. Oh well that's ok, I've killed a ton of birds with that gun. It'll be nice to use it again! They literally fly right over the house at sunrise and sunset.

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Geese started moving today, saw a couple flocks heading south. Our Duck season opened today so that kicked the local geese off the backwaters of the big lake, and they came our way this a.m. and found the cut corn fields.

My brother and I set up this evening and we dropped 4, just before a heavy fog rolled in off the lake, the next two flocks would not drop down thru the fog. Prob try Sun. eve again

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Another bust today. Clear blue skies, 78F weather, and 60mph winds. We got into a one half cut wheat field but the geese did`nt cooperate. Loosing our quad off the trailer on the highway did not help either. At least no one was hurt and surprisingly, no damage done. It was cause for excitement though.


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