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Man, I just can NOT find a good combo that will pattern well!! Just bought a Tru-Glo choke and tested 3 different shells, and I also have a Rem. turkey choke. I have never been able to get decent patterns from this gun (Rem 870 express)....what do I do???? I have been told to try a Comp n Choke, but I really don't have $55 I can dish out. (school is KILLING ME!!) Any cheaper alternatives?! I'm hoping maybe some of those Fed. Flight Control wad shells will work..... frown.gif

Done venting now......

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Re: Frustrated.....

See that, this is why I suggest for people to buy the Rhino/Nitro choke set up. Sure, $150 for 10 shells and a choke seems like a lot, but think about this. You already have x amount of dollars invested, and you are still going to need to invest more. By the time most people are done testing chokes and loads they could have bought the Rhino/Nitro combo with what they spend.

Buy a box of 10 Nitros and the Rhino choke. Shoot one shot at 25, 40, and whatever the furthest range is you are comfortable shooting at. After that, just put the gun away till turkey season as you will be mor ethan happy with the combo it gives you, I GUARANTEE it

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Re: Frustrated.....

I have a decent pattern at 25 yards...............

PAbowhunter- I know exactly what you're saying, and I would do it, but I REALLY REALLY do not have the money right now. I have some $900 I have to pay off to the school, that I actually put on my credit card. I really don't fell like putting more on it right now. wink.gif I am considering returning the Tru-Glo and getting a little higher-end choke though. I was thinking, if I hadn't have spent $20 on the Rem. choke a few years ago, and $20 on the Tru-Glo.....I could almost have a good one!!!! I bought teh Rem. when I was new at this stuff though........

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Re: Frustrated.....

I've had several...with the Rem. heavy shot, I get a great pattern with a Hastings choke. With Rem. #6's I get a good pattern out of a M.A.D Max choke. These are both 3 1/2" 12ga. from a Rem. 870 express mag.

Try looking on ebay...some good deals there.

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Guest kracey

Re: Frustrated.....

Try the New Federal Flight Control #6's. They will probably pattern alot better than the #5's or lower. Keep the choke tubes you have, I dont see any need to buy a new one if you have two available to test pattern. I get a pretty good pattern at 30 and 40 yards with this load in my winchester 1300 with factory choke. I thought the factory choke would be a joke, but it suprised me. I am getting 50 kill hits at 30 yards and 21 kill hits at 40 yards. I would just suggest you try these shell's (5 each choke tube if you want) and see how they do before spending more money for a new choke. Try this combination: (Federal New Flgiht control 12 guage, 2.0oz shot, #6, (I shoot 3-inch shells, but you can shoot 3 1/2 if you want)). this is my suggestion to you. Hope it works out let me know how it goes.

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Re: Frustrated.....

Some good inexpensive chokes are the H.S. Undertaker, Hastings &Stardot. All are $30 or less. Personly I've seen the most consistent results with the Hasting tubes. Althoug I've had excellent result with the Undertaker as well. It's just a bit picky in what it likes than the Hastings have been.


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Guest beardsNspurs

Re: Frustrated.....


I have a decent pattern at 25 yards...............

[/ QUOTE ]

If you are ok out to about 25 yards I'd say you're good. I mean its nice to have a tight pattern out to 40....but that just makes it that much harder to hit one that is in close. I've killed a couple dozen turkeys and have never had to shoot one further than 30 yards. I have a good pattern out to that distance....but even with that pattern I missed one from 8 yards a few years ago. I would bet that the majority of birds are killed up close and personal...not out there at 40+. If you have a decent pattern out to 25-30 yards....and you're tight on money, I'd go with it. Can always try to get better down the road when you have more funds to work with.

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Re: Frustrated.....

College is pretty important buddy, I would try a 4x6 duplex load from Remington out of the gun, heck, Ill buy em for you, shoot the load, that way LOTS of pellets are flying at the bird, and you should be able to score.....Ill even send you a hen decoy if your in need of one, she may need an old arrow to put her in the ground, but she's your for the season if you like.....we just want you confident....keep me posted by pms if you like, but keep this in mind, my son Hunter, has a small 20 guage with a modified barrel, and he has drilled two birds out to 30 yards with that gun....if you can keep the pattern together in the center of the target, go only takes one pellet buddy......the money comes after the college....keep me posted, Ill do what I can to help

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Guest varmint101

Re: Frustrated.....

I'd try the Undertaker as well. I have one on an 870 12ga and it patterns decent out to 40yds. Lead choke or Hevi whichever you want to shoot. Also, I saw Stardot was mentioned. I had one of those for a Mossberg 500 I once had and with Hevi-Shot it patterned well out to 50yds. I'm paying/going to college too and I agree, the money sure does suck for it! Money well spent they tell me though. Good luck.


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