Sept 26th Nat'l Hunting and Fishing Day


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Well this Sept 26th is Nat'l Hunting and Fishing day. It is a Nationwide event and click the link to see if there is a event happening in your state by you.

This is the 4th one we are holding in our county. Each year it gets bigger and bigger. I run the archery portion of the day. Our county Sportsmans Federation here in Rockland county is supplying us with Genisis bows, recurves, arrows and targets. Realtree sent us some stickers and turkey hunting books to give away to the kids the first year, but that was 3 years ago and they have not donated anything since. Many companies have cut back on their giving. So we went out and cut down 400 pieces of bamboo, the two local sporting goods stores we have in this county donated bobbers ,line,hooks and bait. We made cane poles to give away that day to the kids. We also got NYS DEC to declare fishing that day a license free day.

This is great way to get the word out that hunting and fishing are not dirty words. With our proximity to NYC...We are expecting protesters to show up. We will have LE present.

Hope everyone gets to go to a event and enjoy the day.

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