Team 5


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You can't plan for this stuff, I try and take a day or two in early November each year to get out and hunt the rut, I have a job I have to schedule days off a few weeks in advance, long story short I'm in a tree before sunrise today and it's 65 calling for potential near record warmth 75... Not what I want to be hunting in but I guess it beats the alternative!

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  texastrophies said:
WooHoo, we now have the secret weapon....Welcome aboard mrswtnhunt!

Wife says she is gonna kill a bigger deer than the one i killed yesterday and then "rub it in". :oGuess it's on now. :eek:Seriously hope she does cause that will just mean i will have to find and kill a wallhanger. ;)That is a nice deer Mainehunter body looks like could be a trim 3.5.
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I only managed to get out for a hunt on Saturday morning, and once again didn't see a deer. The weather has been pretty crummy here for several days with rain, overcast skies, and wind. This coming up weekend is our second shotgun season, but I only have a doe tag. If I get another buck it's going to have to be with the bow.

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No does for me over the weekend. I seen a little buck and 6 does but nothing close enough to get a shot at. This coming weekend is muzzle loader season so I'll be sitting out. My boy has basketball and my daughter has her birthday party and softball camp so my weekend is booked anyways. Still have a few more weeks to bowhunt so we'll see what happens.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I brought my oldest boy (9) out for a sit Saturday afternoon. The weather was perfect, and we seen a small buck and 2 does.He got busted fidgeting around both times we saw deer lol. Clearly if he wants to hunt I'm going to have to get a blind up.....the kid has ants in his pants.

I would guess boys are not as good as girls. Never really had any hesitation taking the girls for concerns of them sitting still, boys on the other hand i have taken a few and yeah ants in the pants is about right, even with a 16 year old. My own 4 year old son is far from being ready to sit in a stand but he says he is ready to kill a big buck. lol

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well my season concludes the end of this coming week, I have the week off so I'm hoping to get out a couple more times and we might even finally get a couple inches of snow Monday night into Tuesday morning, I'm not thinking chances are great at upgrading but there is a possibility, I'm more so looking to put another one in the freezer, maybe a nice mature doe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Tim don't feel bad - looks like I'm the lone entry for team 2 this year! High ho silver - away. LOL You're right, it is fun but it is more fun when team-mates post more regularly with updates. I may have as many posts on other teams threads than my own. Ha!

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