EHD Bummer


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Shared in our team thread the disappointment about finding some dead deer from EHD on our place in MO. We've found 4 so far & it's still early. The most we found in the past during a season plus the post scouting period after a season ended was 3. So far we've found 2 dead fawns & 2 bucks. One buck in particular bummed us out. Here's some pics of this 11 point I had in velvet (on 8/20) and hard horn (on 9/10). We found him dead off the edge of a standing corn field on 9/20 near one of our stands.




A real bummer to see any deer die from EHD but one with that much potential sure hurts. The neighbor that owns the most property around us stopped by and told us he'd found 10 deer dead from EHD on his property so far this year (some property bordering us, some not). Looks like it's going to be another bad year for EHD in Missouri. Fingers crossed we don't loose anymore good bucks.

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Man I sure hate that Al, that was one heck of a nice buck, a wallhanger for most folks as he was now. Had a feeling it would be a bad year, posted my thoughts here back earlier this year as to the increase in flies would make for a bad situation with ehd when we hit the warm dry summer months. While I have not found any here I am hearing that it is bad in parts of TN this year too. Last couple weeks been seeing a lot of buzzards flying low over the bottom, without laying eyes on what they are attracted to I cannot say for certain, but highly suspect there are a few dead deer back there.

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