A friendly warning about ticks


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So, I never used to take the threat of ticks seriously. I'd even go as far as to say I thought the idea that a tick could give you Lyme disease was more media sensationalism than anything else. That being said, I ended up spending 5 days in the ICU recently and was diagnosed with Lyme Carditis (a serious complication of Lyme disease). This all was the result of being bit by an infected tick while I was hanging my treestands in early Sept.

I never saw the tick, never felt the bite, never saw a rash. Weeks later I started feeling light-headed when I'd stand up, and after a few days I started noticing I was short of breath when I'd just walk across the room. Finally, after about 4 days of symptoms I felt bad enough that I agreed to call my doctor. They told me to go to the ER, which I did and was admitted immediately after an EKG was done. Long story short, it ended up being a terrible experience with a few days of a pulse rate of 20-30 BPM. Good news is it is very treatable with antibiotics and I've since been given a clean bill of health. It was a 3 week ordeal though, and not fun for myself or my family. Lyme Carditis is normally very rare, but I was the 2nd case the hospital had seen in 3 months, so my doctors believe there may be a more severe strain of the bacteria out there (especially in PA and eastern Ohio where I live).

Take the necessary precautions and check yourself for ticks (or even better have a good looking woman do it for you). Also, listen to your body. If you are experience symptoms like this, have it checked out.

Other than that, hope you are all well. Michigan Football is still awful and they're overrated (they haven't played anybody who wasn't overrated themselves) and Urban Meyer is an aging Adonis.

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Welcome back Eric. Glad you got treated and you are gonna be ok.

Most the time in my experience medical professionals around here downplay tick bites especially when no rash is present. Thanks for the warning.

Well, Lyme Carditis results in heart block (not like blocked arteries, it actually means an electrical signal issue). It can be first, second, or third degree block (in my case it was 3rd degree block which is most severe). Since I have always been healthy and there was no family history of heart disease, etc... they made the diagnosis. The fact they had just seen a near carbon-copy case three months prior helped my cause as well. That being said, when I was initially admitted to an ER room, they were puzzled and thought I was just had heart failure. They told me I would need a pacemaker. It wasn't until I was taken up to the ICU where the electrocardiologist saw me. Right away he started asking me if I worked outside or if I was an outdoorsman. so he suspected it right away.Lyme Carditis also only affects the node that sends signals from the atrium to the ventricles of the heart. So when they see only that node being affected and nothing else, it points to Lyme Carditis. This is especially true if the affected person is a young male who spends a lot of time in the woods etc...
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I second what William said, good to see you back Muggs.

That being said, I'm also glad that you are healthy again. Ticks scare the **** out of me. Like you, it was never a thought 10 years ago. but now I fear for myself and my kids every time we go in the woods.

Glad you shared your story. Now pass the Sawyers.

Edited by RangerClay
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