Found a nice spot, but need advice!!!


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Well, I did some early scouting this weekend. I found me a beautiful spot, lots tracks and droppings, must have seen three deer paths. It's on the face of hill, a couple of fallen trees and some wild bush all criss-crossed form a natural blind you might say. It's incredible!! My thing is I'm concerned some overly anxious hunter might see me moving around a little in all that brush from behind me and take a shot. I was thinking of hanging a small orange flag, sort of a marker, but how will it effect deer? Other concerns is black bear,, but I'll get me some repellant just in case.. any tips guys/gals,, greatly appreciated,,



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Re: Found a nice spot, but need advice!!!

Keep that prevailing wind in mind when setting up and some good shooting lanes if your bow-hunting.

Get yourself an Orange camo hat if your worried about getting shot at too.

A little flagging tape around your blind wouldn't hurt either.

All the best to you..sounds like a hot spot. grin.gif

Remember that early, early in the morning, just as it is getting light, the thermal currents will most likely be going down-hill and then around 8:30, 9:00 when the sun is up and warming the air, the thermals will head up-hill for the rest of the day untill evening.

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Re: Found a nice spot, but need advice!!!

Thanks all!! I really appreciate the advice!!! I'm working my tail off to make sure I get at least one decent bowhunt this year. As soon the snow melts and it warms up a tad, I'll go back and clean up the spot better,, in the meantime, I need to get my behind to the pro shop range and start shooting!!!

Thanks again !!!

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Re: Found a nice spot, but need advice!!!


My thing is I'm concerned some overly anxious hunter might see me moving around a little in all that brush from behind me and take a shot.

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If you are bowhunting, I wouldn't be very concerned about that. The red flagging may draw the attention of other hunters who just might start using your prize spot everytime you aren't there. That wouldn't be a real good thing.


Well, I did some early scouting this weekend. I found me a beautiful spot

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I assume that the sign that you found was from last fall. Generally, I don't pay a lot of attention to recent sign found in the early spring. The winter habits and locations of deer does not normally represent what they are doing during the fall hunting season.


Other concerns is black bear

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I wouldn't get overly concerned about the bears. But, if repellant makes you feel more comfortable, go for it. If your jittery about bears, chances are you won't stay on stand very long, so you might as well do whatever you must to feel secure. wink.gif


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