2015 ML Doe

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Well, I didn't get a chance to change anything up this season as far as trying a new setup, but did have some decent results. This Doe walked out with one other. I watched them for quite some time to be sure no bucks or yearlings were tagging along behind. They were a distance off and not browsing my way, so I ranged her at 180 yrds. and knew I was good out to 200 yrds. my only reserve was the round I was using after a bad result the year before. I decided to give it a go and zero'd in on her just behind the shoulder and pulled the trigger, when the smoke cleared she lay right where she was standing. After rounding up my stuff and walking up to her did I notice the shot went high, hitting her in the spine killing her instantly. But, still disappointed in where the round hit ... :( I really need to look into something else for next season. She field dressed in at 130 lbs.

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Congratulations Luke. At least is was an easy tracking job. 180 yards is a long poke with a ML. No clue how good your rest was for that shot...only you know that. You have plenty of time to check out some other options to use before next year.

No rest Al, free hand shot. This is something I practice with the rifle and the ML.

I sighted in my TC Triumph out to 200 yrds. using a bench rest and I was consistently getting 1" to 1.5" groups using 150 grns. of triple 7 and a 270 grn. Platinum Power Belt.

I surely must have pulled the shot bigtime, can't blame the setup for that bad shot it was all me.

The issue I have with my setup isn't accuracy it's penetration with the Power Belts, obviously when you spine shoot an animal penetration isn't going to be a issue, but a body shot with these Power Belts seem to be a problem, atleast with the previous 2 deer I shot with them. What really has me baffled, is that TC recommends Shockwaves and I can't ram those dang things down my barrel, I even snapped a range rod in half trying to get a second shot down the barrel. So I've stayed with the power Belts for ease of loading but have been worried about penetration. I have yet to try one of two that I'm interested in .. and those would be the Hornady XTP Mag and the Federal Bor Loc. These will get there chance very soon now that hunting season is over here in VT.

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For what it's worth Luke, whenever I hunt with my ML I use Barnes sabots...250 gr. in my .50 cal. Been using them for a long time now & real happy with them. No penetration issues either. When something works, I stick with it. Shot deer and elk with them.

Here in MS they changed the ML season laws some years back & we're not required to use a ML here during the Dec. ML season. About 10 years ago (or so) the ML season law was changed where we could use .35 cal., or larger single shot, center fire rifles but a couple of years ago they changed that again. Now during the Dec. ML season on private land we can use our weapon of choice. We still have to buy the ML license though...go figure. We still have to use the single shot .35 cal or larger cal. rifles during the Nov. antlerless season but I just bowhunt then if I'm not in MO. The reason...I can shoot bucks if the opportunity is there bowhunting during that period since the archery season is open at the same time. ML season rules in MS are weird. The only time I use a ML now is out of state.

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Nice doe Luke!!

What grain Powerbelt are you using? I've read across other boards that the .295's have poor penetration. My buddy uses the .338 gr. Platinum's and I use the .348 gr. hollow points and we have never had a problem with penetration.

We couldn't use shockwaves either for the same reason. Needed a sledge hammer to drive them down the barrel.

Edited by RangerClay
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Joe I have been using the .270 grn Platinum Power Belts with 150 grns. of triple seven.

My 2014 doe was about 70 yrds away and I put one perfectly behind her shoulder and she took of like she was shot from a canon. Good thing there was some snow on the ground or I wouldn't have found her. When I did she didn't have a exit wound, and did I mention she only went about 150 yrds. but it's the route she took before she expired that made finding here tough, THANK GOODNESS for white snow .. lol

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that's still a nice shot with a ML. My TC ProHunter barrel was a little tight. yellow sabot 250gr TC shockwaves is what I started using with it but they were tight. first went hard and the 2nd was no good. I switched to 250gr Hornady SST low drag sabots and they load a lot easier. almost too easy so with yours they should be just right. I get great accuracy with them out past 200 yards. I'd switch to a big hollow point but I like to know I can reach out there.

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that's still a nice shot with a ML. My TC ProHunter barrel was a little tight. yellow sabot 250gr TC shockwaves is what I started using with it but they were tight. first went hard and the 2nd was no good. I switched to 250gr Hornady SST low drag sabots and they load a lot easier. almost too easy so with yours they should be just right. I get great accuracy with them out past 200 yards. I'd switch to a big hollow point but I like to know I can reach out there.

Yeah, I thought twice and hard about taking that shot, knowing the issues I've had with the powerbelts. The sad part is that they are darn accurate most of the time, this is why I say the bad shot was most likely me, and I got real lucky the end result. I've heard great things about the Hornady and the Barnes rounds. and some good things with the Federal Bor Lock MZ. I may even play around with loose powder instead of the pellets.

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