Super Tuesday is Looming


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With Super Tuesday looming on the horizon I see this the ugliest election ever playing out in front of my eyes. I am truly scared what is going to happen. I was watching the news the other morning and Bob Schieffer could not have said it better.

Here is my spin. Trump may claim to be conservative but he is faaar from it. He is a RINO and nobody can change my mind on this. He has been a longtime fan and friend of the Clintons. With campaign reform what it is, he cannot give his fortune to Hillary. It is my belief that he is instead using his money to split and sabotage the Republican party and therefore solidify Hilary's victory.

There is my conspiracy theory, what do you think?

Edited by RangerClay
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With Super Tuesday looming on the horizon I see this the ugliest election ever playing out in front of my eyes.

Agreed, and getting uglier. Still casting my vote in the primary for Dr Carson even if i have to write him in. Ted Cruz will not get a vote from me nor will Trump, if either gets the nomination.

And agree as well about Trump, he is not a true republican and imo has proven he is a friend to noone. Conspiracy, dunno, think trump will befriend anyone he can use and then unfriend them and bash them as soon as he gets what he wants.

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Conspiracy, dunno, think trump will befriend anyone he can use and then unfriend them and bash them as soon as he gets what he wants.

Trump markets himself as an effective leader who will get things done simply by making “smart deals.” He refuses to explain precisely how he intends to deliver results, and more often than not, promises to use force or work around or outside the law. Such a leader mirrors what we currently see in the White House. It would be incredibly harmful to our system of government, which is limited by our Constitution -- even if we like the policy outcome. We must be a nation of laws. For Trump, it is all about power. For a Christian, the presidency should be about service.

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Conspiracy' date=' dunno, think trump will befriend anyone he can use and then unfriend them and bash them as soon as he gets what he wants.[/quote']

Trump markets himself as an effective leader who will get things done simply by making “smart deals.” He refuses to explain precisely how he intends to deliver results, and more often than not, promises to use force or work around or outside the law. Such a leader mirrors what we currently see in the White House. It would be incredibly harmful to our system of government, which is limited by our Constitution -- even if we like the policy outcome. We must be a nation of laws. For Trump, it is all about power. For a Christian, the presidency should be about service.

Yes, he comes across as nothing more than a bully used to getting his way. Have said all along that his way of doing business was not what this country really needs. He has provided little substance about how he will accomplish anything he claims to want to do.

Unfortunately kasich is not an electable candidate.

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Trumps wealth, he touts being a self made millionaire. He was given a million dollar loan from his father to start up. He called that a "small loan". Then as if that was not enough he inherited tens of millions in family money and took over his fathers business in the 70's. He has boasted on live debates about abusing bankruptcy laws and using ways around the law to help himself. Can only imagine having a million to start up and run a business with, yeah sure self made right?

Thread back in August right here in this room i posted some of my thoughts on him. My view of trump has certainly not gotten better since then, not by any means.

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What do you think of the idea Trump is just a "plant" to throw off the Ticket?

Read my very first post.

Americans are asked almost every week about a hypothetical matchup between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Only 5 of the 44 polls (2%!) conducted over the last eight months show Trump actually leading Hillary. Two polls showed a tie, and the other 37 polls showed Hillary soundly defeating Trump.

Edited by RangerClay
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Looks like trump is on his way to taking the nomination. Figure come November in national election a large number of conservative voters will stay home. The liberals will vote their party beit hitlary or commie sanders. A number of moderate dems independents and young voters calling themselves republicans will vote trump. Who wins who knows.

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Looks like trump is on his way to taking the nomination. Figure come November in national election a large number of conservative voters will stay home.

I have seriously considered staying home this November. But I won't, it's my duty to vote. Let's see what the Independent Party has to offer. This is the first election I can remember where Ralph Nader looks like the best candidate.

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Certainly is a mess. Sad to see that the "angry vote" will be the continued undoing of this country. Looking more and more likely the "angry vote", large portion of the voters supporting trump are potentially handing the 16 election over to Clinton. This mess is no more clear now down to 4 "gop" candidates than it was before and with the clinton mess is still no guarantee she will be legally able to run in the general.

I would vote for Kasich in a general in the snowballs chance something turns enough that he was the nominee, but realistically looking more likely I will vote a write in or essentially a "none of the above". The more I see of trump and cruz, the more I know I could not vote for either.

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ANYTHING will be better than "Monkey Ears" the end, Sadly, America will get what it deserves, mainly because of where as a country we have let it far off track our Forefathers would not recognize it.

Dunno Martin, afraid a clinton admin would continue the destructive policies of the current and make things even worse than they are now. She even says she will. She has proven where she lies on her idea of "security" for our people. I just don't see her being any better than the piece of garbage we have now, pretty disgusting.

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I have voted for every Republican candidate - up and down the ticket - since 1984. I voted for Jimmy Carter in 76 and was out of state in 1980 and didn't vote.

I have watched this nation move increasingly to the left all the while.

I have heard the pleas of the Republican establishment that if only we will elect them they will address the issues and maybe fix things. I have supported the budget hawks, supported those who promised said they would nominate conservative judges, said that the separation of church and state didn't mean secularism, that freedom of speech didn't mean never being offensive, promised to stop the bailouts, promised to try to keep jobs in the US, promised to control the borders, promised an even hand in the middle east, promised to curtail military adventurism, promised to curtail deficit spending, promised to develop our own natural resources and make us energy independent, promised to defend the 2nd amendment, promised to defund planned parenthood, promised to defund NPR and public television - who I think hate America.

And I have to ask myself, what has my support gotten me?

Where is the Republican who would stand in the gap? Why does our R controlled Congress let Obama walk all over them? Where is the leader who will take on the press and the lobbyists and the big money doners who care not about cultural decline but only care about enriching themselves at our expense and stack the deck against the little guy?

After the last two budget deals that so dramatically increased our debt I was distraught. I was willing to embrace nihilism and just not give a damn any more.

Then along came Donald Trump who is rude and crude, who is narcissistic, egotistical and often childish. But he is sticking his finger in the eye of the establishment, the pundits, the press and the PC crowd.

No he is not the perfect candidate.

But I voted for him in the primary and will vote for him in the general election if he makes it that far.

For me he's the only candidate who doesn't hate blue collar white males, who isn't FOR the continued disenfranchisement of me and my old school, Christian way of thinking.

He IS for border control, is for jobs, IS for fiscal sanity.

He isn't for continued corruption of our politics by big money doners.

This is it for me. It might be my last election. Because if he doesn't win and change the power structure in Washington to a level of sanity and sustainability it's all over in my opinion. And I'll just sit back and draw my puny SS check and let it all go to hell.

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For me he's the only candidate who doesn't hate blue collar white males' date=' who isn't FOR the continued disenfranchisement of me and my old school, Christian way of thinking.[/color']

He IS for border control, is for jobs, IS for fiscal sanity.

He isn't for continued corruption of our politics by big money doners.

Can see where you are coming from Jerry and obviously a lot of voters see the same as you. Pure politics imho. Trump is smart enough to know where he needs to appeal. For an "outsider" he has played the game better than the establishment politicians. What he says on camera does not coincide with what he has done in his career, he is not much if any more trustworthy imo than is clinton. He is evasive and never answers questions with real answers or gives any specifics on anything, why? He changes the subject to me me or I I and how great my companies and products are, changes the subject on the real issues quicker than any politician.

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Carson has now Backed Trump

Heard about that this morning. Will be interesting to see if Rubio or Cruz also jump onboard to support trump when/if they eventually suspend their campaigns. Kasich has avoided the back and forth and think it likely he will support whoever is the eventual nominee.

Guess when it comes down to it, is trump better than the alternative............?????

Also be interesting to see who trump picks as a running mate.

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