Toughing it out.


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Hello all.

Again, it's been a while since I posted.

I thought I would tell my deer hunting story for this year.

As some of you may remember I broke my leg last August. But that wasn't going to stop me from being out there for the rifle opener.

So I gimped my way out to the deer blind on crutches and sat there all day Saturday. Never saw a thing.

Sunday morning, wasn't feeling very well but went out anyway.

Felt worse as the day went on but just stayed in the blind. That afternoon I was having a Lot of pain in my side and back and getting sicker by the hour.

Threw up a couple of times. Was feeling like I should call it a day and head home but knew Mike would be disappointed so I just stayed.

Finally about a half hour before dark a doe came out. So I perked up a little. Then a small rack buck came out. Here we don't see big bucks and there were very few doe permits issued this year - like 500 for about 6000 hunters. So if you see a buck you take him.

So I got ready to take my shot but was sweating bad, even though it was chilly. And I was kinda dizzy from the pain. But I forced myself to concentrate and at last, pulled the trigger. Down he went like a bag of rocks. So I layed down kind of exhausted and waited for dark and Mike to come.

With one good leg and a lot of pain I wasn't much help for gutting him so Mike was kind enough to do that for me.

Then we got him loaded and started the 2 hour ride home. I just layed in the seat hoping to get there soon.

Got home and my wife took one look at me and said you're going to the doctor. So I went and they said I had kidney stones and would need surgery. They gave me some heavy duty pain killers and sent me home with an appointment to come in for surgery 2 days later.

Anyway, it all went well and I'm all better now. I have hunted in bitter cold and rain and wind but always toughed it out. This time I was a gimp and pretty sick. But I hung in there and got my deer. As the saying goes "You gotta want it"

I wanted it. And I got it.

I am happy to tell.

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