Homemade trail cam mount


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Not sure which room this actually belongs in but I'll start here because every trail cam owner should see this.

I have poacher problems on our hill. I would like to put a camera on the road but I'm afraid they will see it and steal it. I've thought about putting it higher but never could figure out how to point it down. TILL NOW! Check out this affordable homemade mound set-up.


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Cool & pretty simple. Made some in the past out of wood & used a ratchet strap to hold it to a tree. Typically though, I do the same thing Mudrunner does.

Only concern I have with the brush on this mount is how much wind blowing the brush around would trigger the motion sensor.

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A good, simple idea. Probably could come up with a simple solution to lock it to the tree. Only concern I have is, if not on private property there is a concern with screwing it into the tree. That would not be legal on state or federal land here in Montana. I just use shims (or a branch if I forget to pack a couple of shims) which work as long as you don't get to high up the tree. It does help to keep the bears and other critters from messing with the camera if it is higher on the tree.

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