Bismuth No*Tox

Guest ronin

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Guest ronin

I couldn't find any of my tired and true HevyShot...drats. I noticed that most of the companies out there are coming out with their own version of the tungsten based alloy shot. The only thing I could find was Winchester's Bismuth Company: Magnum Buffered High Velocity

This stuff is similar in price $18 for 10 but I was wondering about performance. I'm testing it today but I was hoping someone with experience could elaborate.

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Re: Bismuth No*Tox

I hand load bismuth, both 4,5,6's pattern pretty good and you get more pellets per Oz in a load.

I've killed Pheasents and Ducks to 45 yeard stone dead with the stuff.

Will be trying a 1 3/4 handload of 4's this year on my turkey.

The first fall season here in ohio I took a jake on the fly with a 1 oz load (grouse load) of bismuth 6's with a skeet tube, shot was only about 25 yards but he was dead before he hit the ground.

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Guest ronin

Re: Bismuth No*Tox

Thanks for the info. I have never even heard of the company before. I patterned them today with my Moss 835 Ultimag and compared them with winchester supreme #4's. The Supremes are my backup if I run out of Hevy Shot. Next best thing in my particular gun. Out to 30 yards both had similar patterns but the Bismuth was throwing to the left. 40 and 50 yards the Supremes had a tighter denser pattern and they knocked my 25lb target over. The bismuth pattern was even further to the left and they didn't seem ti have the umph. The supremes went all the way through the wood back stop on the target while the bismuths imbedded in the wood. Looks like I start with Supreme and use the Bismuth as backup this year.

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