First week of Missouri Spring Turkey Season

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Missouri turkey season is an odd one this year. The birds aren't roosting in the same locations that have in the past few years, they aren't using the same fields that they have for the past 2 years, and needless to say, they aren't responding to the same calls that have in the past. Usually I hunt up on a ridge where the turkey, gobblers and hens, roost on the South side of the ridge, and then fly-down in the field to the South. My blind is typically northwest of the gobblers, off an old logging road that they typically have traveled in the past. This year they are dead-set on roosting to the North of the ridge, and fly-down in the same respective direction. Now I will say that they are quite vocal, even though the past two mornings have been somewhat cool, and/ or rainy. As soon as they hit the ground, the gobblers don't "seek-out" other hens, they go straight for the Strut Zone field,. Just odd I guess. Can't expect them to be predictable every year, because if that was the case, everyone would be able to put Thunder-Chickens on the ground.

I did finally get my first Spring turkey this morning @ 10:45, but I had to work for him. Started in the blind as usual, hit him with a few soft yelps on the "Tramp Stamp", which he talked back to me and at 6:15am he hit the ground. Didn't seemed interested to check-out the "hen" he had been speaking with, and went straight down the hill. Around 8:15am, he gobbled down in the back Strut Zone field, so I took to foot. I gave some yelps on the mouth call, in which he replied, but was still moving away. By 9:15am, I had positioned myself on the edge of the 2nd Strut Zone, and the gobbler, and his brother were at the farthest corner from me, not saying a word.Tried the slate and mouth callto get their attention, but they never even acted interested, probably because of the 7 hens they had. Made two yelp with the WetBox call, and it was game on. Apparently the sound produced was loud enough to be heard over the rain, but quiet enough for them not to sprint away from being startled. 10:45am he made a final gobble, 39 yards from me, which was his last resting place. His brother seemed a little confused by the big gobbler just falling down like that.

After all said and done, 20.5 lbs, 11 inch beard, 1 1/4 inch spurs, but all the work paid off.

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Congrats...very nice bird!

Yep...they aren't going to fields in MO like they have been in previous years right now. In a nutshell...we're having to work for them in the timber in NE Missouri right now. Same thing I typically have to do in MS. I killed my 1st MO gobbler Tuesday morning. Pics & story to come later when I get home. 23 lbs, 10 1/2" thick beard, and 1 1/4" spurs. My buddy is still working to get his 1st MO bird right now. His son & a buddy arrive Friday afternoon. When they arrive I play guide Saturday & Sunday. Till then, listening for roosted birds gobbling at dawn, etc. to make an attack plan.

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