Sad news to wake up to


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Not surprising at all, Start with the Obamma who was encouraged to run for President by BILL Ayres..a 60's instigator in cop killings/ bombings..was if I remember had a big part in SDS, and the weather underground...WHY he speaks at colleges today is beyond me. he should be in prison.

Then throw in that joke Jesse jackson, Al not so Sharpton..and the liberal left, kids are being taught GARBAGE in most every college these days...

and of course our "leaders" tell the truth and obey the laws....

just makes you sick whats going on

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Not surprising at all, Start with the Obamma who was encouraged to run for President by BILL Ayres..a 60's instigator in cop killings/ bombings..was if I remember had a big part in SDS, and the weather underground...WHY he speaks at colleges today is beyond me. he should be in prison.

Then throw in that joke Jesse jackson, Al not so Sharpton..and the liberal left, kids are being taught GARBAGE in most every college these days...

and of course our "leaders" tell the truth and obey the laws....

just makes you sick whats going on

Agreed. That's why I raise my daughter like I do

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Five Dallas police officers are murdered and 7 are injured in a shooting while they were protecting Black Lives Matter protestors. Today Brannon explains the connection between communism, black lives matter & murder of cops. The murder of cops today goes back to communists, Students for a Democratic Society or SDS and the weather underground of the 1960s and 1970s. Their goal is chaos that leads to a communists state.Topic: Communists hate local police under local control but love a police state. Doubt me? Read their writings & praise of Cuba & former USSR. Topic: Four Communist stages of revolution 1. Remove morality 2. Destabilize the nation 3. This creates chaos 4. Public accepts tyranny for security.

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Yup' date=' peaceful protest are fine, but we need to crack down on ALL who disrupt and break the law.[/quote']

Absolutely agreed. While they may think it is peaceful, there is nothing whatsoever peaceful about holding up traffic like is taking place and the abuses being taken on officers. Some are crossing the line and pushing it with le and some are appearing to intentionally agitate leo's. Impeding the flow of traffic is against the law. They closed down the MS river bridge in Memphis a few days ago,that is an extremely high traffic area. Closed down the interstate going through Atlanta too. I would imagine there was a probability there have been people caught in traffic on their way to work or emergency personnel or workers held up as a result of their actions. Creates a tense environment all the way around, officers are kind of in a damned no matter what they do position given this garbage we have in the white house's sentiment. obama needs to address this and call on the black lives matters group to stop breaking the laws and hold their protests in places where they are not causing issues for others and call those breaking the laws for what they are rather than asking those hindered by it and the rest of us to try to understand where they are coming from. He won't do it though, instead look for him to spin things as he always does!

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More dead officers today. These sick hate filled monsters have been emboldened by obama and his language. While "black lives matters" may not be a terrorist group, it is indirectly or maybe even directly promoting terrorist actions and obama needs to call it what it is and demand it be stopped!

Prayers for the friends and families of the officers and pray those injured recover.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Where are the black lives matters group and obama now on the Fort Meyers shooting? Two more dead black kids and more than a dozen kids injured. Guess like Chicago black on black crimes this won't get their attention or the media hyper sensationalization. Sad, very sad.

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