Wondering About EOTech

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I'm curious about Eotech sights and their quality. I have an AR that I haven't done much with and was thinking about a holographic sight to continue my MOUT training from military (clearing rooms). ... just fun stuff. I have about 5 acres I plan on creating sort of an obstacle course to train for 3-gun competitions, etc.

To start off, it seems that EOtech is affordable, but wondering about their quality.

I've read reviews and stuff, but wanted to post on here. Also considering Aimpoint as well.

Do you guys have experience with Eotech sights, any info on warranties, do they stand by their products etc.?

Thanks Guys!!

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Five hundred bucks is too much for me for their bottoms end holo sight. I went with the cabelas tactical on my carbine, comparable to the vortex and burris 3x prism sights like this http://www.cabelas.com/product/Burris-AR-Prism-Sight/731241.uts?productVariantId=1716173&WT.tsrc=PPC&WT.mc_id=GoogleProductAds&WT.z_mc_id1=02902899&rid=20&gclid=COOc5MrN2M4CFYM8gQodGX4Gdg&gclsrc=awds. Dunno much about the eotech other than that military and le used to use them, but dropped them.

Evidently eotech paid out on a settlement, would steer clear of them if it were me. My understanding is that there was faulty equipment from this company put in the hands of our service men and women and then attempted fraud to try to cover it up, unforgivable in my book.

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