Don't want to give up my LK93


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I've had my Knight LK-93 stored inside, in my gun safe since last year. I took it out last week and the barrel was rusted significantly. I cleaned it up and need to go shoot it but haven't yet.. IF it has lost accuracy (this thing is pinpoint accurate), anyone know if Knight can hook me up with a replacement barrel or maybe even Green Mountain Barrels? I'd really prefer stainless steel.

Now, if barrel is not salvageable and I need a new ML, what are the suggestions? I'm not too much on 209 primers but may have to suck it up if my current barrel is toast. I like to buy good quality stuff but don't want to spend an arm and a leg. ($600 is top end of budget). I like the TC Pro Hunter. If it matters, most shots are withing 50 yards and I'm shooting a Precision Rifle Dead Center 240 grain all lead bullet with 80 grains of 777.

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Welcome to the forums. I would contact knight directly and ask them. They should be able to steer you in the direction of an authorized smith to check your gun out and determine whether or not it needs a new barrel and whether a new barrel might cost more than just replacing the gun. If there is not pitting might try an oversized bore brush(.54 cal) and use some lapping compound or iosso bore paste. Had to do this with our black diamond and it cleaned it up pretty nicely.

If you need new would look real close at the cva accura v2's. In your price point with a stainless bergara barrel, and they are very good rifles. Really can't go wrong with a tc either.

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Has CVA's quality improved since their early models? If I recall, many of their early ML's had quality issues.

I contacted Knight through the "contact us" link on their website. We'll see what they say.

This evening I scrubbed the barrel down with a 12 gauge copper brush and some Hoppes #9 solvent, dried it out with a few patches then swabbed it with some gun oil followed by a dry patch. It looks like there is a little pitting but mostly just on the surface, no huge gouges. The rifling appears to be intact all the way from the breach to the tip of the barrel. I'm going to shoot it this coming weekend and see how it shoots. At least there is time to buy a new smoke pole if the results are disastrous! I've got 3 plus weeks until ML season!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, no worries on this end. I finally got out to shoot it today. Maybe an inch to the left of the bullseye on a clean barrel and centered the bullseye after a spit patch and dry patch. No more adjustments. Lets head to the woods and keep this barrel clean from now on!

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