Scent Killer


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Honestly, the best thing that works for me is a 10 minute hot shower with absolutely no soap the night before. I wash my clothes in baking soda and then let them hang dry outside.

I've used just about every product on the market. What I can tell you is the scentless bar soap is the absolute worst!! I have been busted so many times using that, in my opinion, it should be illegal. Nothing more frustrating than total and complete scent discipline using scentless bar soap and getting busted just about every time.

I've used several types of sprays and I can't say they worked or didn't work. Never had a time where I used it and a deer walked downwind of me. I also can't remember ever getting a deer after spraying myself down with that stuff.

Edited by Stinger-Hunter
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  Stinger-Hunter said:
Honestly, the best thing that works for me is a 10 minute hot shower with absolutely no soap the night before. I wash my clothes in baking soda and then let them hang dry outside.

I've used just about every product on the market. What I can tell you is the scentless bar soap is the absolute worst!! I have been busted so many times using that, in my opinion, it should be illegal. Nothing more frustrating than total and complete scent discipline using scentless bar soap and getting busted just about every time.

I've used several types of sprays and I can't say they worked or didn't work. Never had a time where I used it and a deer walked downwind of me. I also can't remember ever getting a deer after spraying myself down with that stuff.

Can use baking soda to shower with too. The saw green liquid i think does pretty good for a soap to wash away any odor causing household scents or bacteria. I almost always shower morning before i walk out.

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