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Re: Decoys

I always set mine 20yrds with the hen facing away from me at an angle and the jake facing the hen's back as trying to mate. If a gobbler gets all the way in to your decoys he will strut in front of them, so try not to face them straight away from you, broadside is usually better. This way if you have to move to get a good shot, atleast he isn't looking straight at you.

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Re: Decoys

If your right handed, place the jake decoy about 20 yards towards your left side where you can get the best shot off. Then face the jake decoy "TOWARDS" you. A gobbler will come face to face with another male bird, this way his tail fan will be facing towards you, and you will be able to make your move without him seeing you, since his head will be blocked by his fan. Next, set up a hen decoy about 8 yards away from the jake, and have her facing away from your set-up. A Gobbler will always approach a hen from the rear. If and when a gobbler does show, he'll approach the jake deek first before going to that hen. Be ready, and have your gun on or pointing near the jake, that's where the gobbler should show up first!! Good luck. wink.gif

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Re: Decoys


If your right handed, place the jake decoy about 20 yards towards your left side where you can get the best shot off. Then face the jake decoy "TOWARDS" you. A gobbler will come face to face with another male bird, this way his tail fan will be facing towards you, and you will be able to make your move without him seeing you, since his head will be blocked by his fan. Next, set up a hen decoy about 8 yards away from the jake, and have her facing away from your set-up. A Gobbler will always approach a hen from the rear. If and when a gobbler does show, he'll approach the jake deek first before going to that hen. Be ready, and have your gun on or pointing near the jake, that's where the gobbler should show up first!! Good luck. wink.gif

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That's what I ment to say!!!! smile.gifsmile.gif

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