The Hail Mary Doe


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Well, the gun season ended yesterday.  We stayed at it - about 70 hours in the stand over the course of the 3 weekends. Only saw one small buck the whole season. But lots of small does and a lot of fawns this year.  I had a doe permit, Mike was bucks only. Mike had family stuff to do yesterday afternoon so we could only hunt till about 9 am, then drive the 2 hours home. I figured it was useless but went out anyway. Hadn't even seen anything for the last 2 days. But by golly, about 8:30 a decent doe and 2 fawns walked out. I had to make a snap shot on her before she went behind the brush again. But the bullet was true and she ran about 100 yards and toppled over. Hooray!! She's no trophy but towards the end it sure was looking like tag soup for us this year. 

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