Afternoon Turkey Hunting

Guest NorfolkHunter

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Guest NorfolkHunter

In Ontario they just extended our hunting time from 12pm until 7pm. I'm not a big fan of this idea and will still stop at 12pm.

I just wanted to know what everyone elses views on this are. The turkey hunting here in Ontario is great. If it isn't broke why fix it? I personaly think its a big money grab. We'll see I guess. What does everyone else think?

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Re: Afternoon Turkey Hunting

I personally cant complain of the afternoon hunts. Most of the birds I've killed have been after 3pm. Toward the later part of the day, most the hens go off to nest, but the toms are still lookin for some loving. They hear your call and their hens have left them......they are gonna come to you. But for your situation.......if you dont havealot of birds in your area, then the afternoon hunt might not be a good thing because alot more birds will get killed.

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Guest gfourhunter

Re: Afternoon Turkey Hunting

we just went to all day hunting 3 years ago in indiana. before it was noon. i like all day hunting. my son gets off school at 3:00 and we go hunting. works out fine for me.

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Guest tarbaby

Re: Afternoon Turkey Hunting

here in ks its all day for us.. with the number of turkeys in our area though I think it helps keep the population kinda constant.. I know of a lot of guys that have killed turkeys after a midday break.. They respond so much better to calling also with most of the hens gone to nest

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